Natural selection and meaning of life?

If evolution by natural selection is just a random mechanism that maintains life throughout the history of the universe, without a creator, then what

If evolution by natural selection is just a random mechanism that maintains life throughout the history of the universe, without a creator, then what is the purpose of a living organism such as ourselves?

or:If evolution by natural selection is just a random mechanism that maintains life throughout the history of the universe, without a creator, then what is the purpose of a living organism such as ourselves?

or:Well even without a creator we do all have one in common, it's to keep our species alive. By reproduction we do that. There is no other purpose for a living organism other than that but one organism can have purpose for what he/she thinks about his/her life. SO I would say the purpose is to basically just reproduce then do whatever you think is right.

or:Every organism tries to out do other organisms to thrive. That's what natural selection is about and in a way an answer to the meaning of life. Although the meaning of life can be perceived differently based on your own beliefs. There is no real answer. You could say the meaning of life is to extend your own species and help it thrive by creating clones of yourself through reproduction. Even cells and bacteria in your body compete. Life is a competition, survival of the fittest.

or:If only we pay attention to the living organism that we are; if only we realize that we are over thirty trillion cells; if only we realize that this body is certain to die and there is some energy in us that departs at death; if only we realize that there is a mind that thinks\u2026 but where is the mind, we cannot find \u2013 this will help us start a quest to answer the question - who am I? The moment we answer the question \u2018who am I?\u2019, then the whole concept of evolution by natural selection will drop like a myth in the ocean. Because this random mechanism that we talk of, that everything in this world happens just by chance, is not true. If that were so, apples would be growing on mango trees. Why does that not happen? Because there is a law that says - as you sow, so shall you reap. Let us stop, introspect and contemplate to realize the Truth.
