How many square feet will 42K BTU heat?

I installed a new gas insert for my fireplace. My room is only 420 square feet and I am cold most of the time. The insert is supposed to put out 42K

I installed a new gas insert for my fireplace. My room is only 420 square feet and I am cold most of the time. The insert is supposed to put out 42K BTU.

or:I installed a new gas insert for my fireplace. My room is only 420 square feet and I am cold most of the time. The insert is supposed to put out 42K BTU.

or:That depends on insulation. 42K BTU is approximately equal to TEN electric heaters of 1500 watts each, so you definitely have an insulation problem. Feel the walls. If they are cold, you can only open them and put insulation inside. Feel the light switches and outlets. If they are cold you can get insulated pads to put under the faceplates. Feel around the windows. The glass often leaks, and the joint where the frame meets the wall often opens to let cold air through. You can fill the cracks with Elmer's glue, and you can stick bubble wrap to the glass by spraying with water. If there is a space beneath the outside door, put rice in an old sock and stuff it in there.
