Tips on being more social to people you would to have as friends please?

or:Tips on being more social to people you would to have as friends please?or:Don't be shy, be confident! Or at least look confident. If you look con

or:Tips on being more social to people you would to have as friends please?

or:Don't be shy, be confident! Or at least look confident. If you look confident, you'll seem outgoing, fun, and eager to make friends. One way to start a conversation and make friends is to just go up to them, say hi, and introduce yourself calmly. It's best to use this trick when it's just a girl/boy alone. If you do this to a group of people, you may look desperate or too poised. For approaching a group, the best way for me at least, its to crack a joke. Having a good laugh is the best feeling and it shows that you mean well and that you're funny. Funny people are the most enjoyable people to be around. This tip is good for groups of people because if one person doesn't laugh at your joke because they didn't get it or something, you'll have 3 or 4 other people there to laugh for them! It's always embarrassing when you make a joke and they don't laugh. It gets awkward. Another way to make friends, is to just sit and listen to there conversations with other people. I know this may sound stalkerish, but think about it this way: Let's say a girl was talking to her friend about how she needed a math tutor and you happened to be good at math. Maybe after a day or so, you could walk up to her and say, \"Hi, I'm _____ and I heard something about you wanting a math tutor\" Wait for her response and then say, \"Well, if you need any help, I'd be glad to tutor you. Here, take my number.\" Hand her your number, smile, walk away and wave.

or:1) don't be shy2) if you got out for ice cream or something like that don't just be on your phone talk to the person
