When will I go on pointe?

I do an hour and a half a week and am at an intermediate level. At this rate, when can i go on pointe? or:I do an hour and a half a week and am at an

I do an hour and a half a week and am at an intermediate level. At this rate, when can i go on pointe?

or:I do an hour and a half a week and am at an intermediate level. At this rate, when can i go on pointe?

or:Your level of training and experience helps determine your abilities for pointe work. It is ultimately up to the teacher on when they will allow you to be on pointe. Age is a factor and I personally don't recomend that anyone under 12 even attempt at pointe. Your feet must fully develop before you try pointe work. Going on pointe you must have strength and the full technique skills before your teacher will put you on pointe. I recomend doing abs and working on plies and releves in parallel, 1, 2 ,and 5th and starting out with sets of 20. Slowly you can increase this number. If you really want to go on pointe, express this to your teachers and ask them what you can do. Work hard in and out of class while showing your teachers you are up for the challenge you should be able to go on pointe in a couple of years. I know that is frustrating to wait so long to go on pointe or see other peers get moved up but you have to be ready and only time will really tell when you are. I know it's probably not what you want to hear but keep at it and show them that you want it and they will see that you are ready. -fellow dancer
