How much time it takes to transfer title of a car in Denton . Texas ?

or:How much time it takes to transfer title of a car in Denton . Texas ?or:Transfer if title can be done in one day. Go to the county tax assessors a

or:How much time it takes to transfer title of a car in Denton . Texas ?

or:Transfer if title can be done in one day. Go to the county tax assessors annex with the signed title, Bill of sale, proof of insurance, your ID (doesn't have to be a driver's license), your state inspection certificate, and your money. Depending if your county has emissions or not, the inspection takes a few minutes to complete if here isn't anything hat needs of be repaired before it can pass. (All lights, brake, reverse, and brights must work, seatbelts, horn, emissions if required, mirrors, ebrake) then you wait in line.
