Help! Dizziness problem!?

Hello. Ive been having really bad dizziness. But for backup info, Ive been sick for a month straight! I dont know if the dizziness is from the cold we

Hello. Ive been having really bad dizziness. But for backup info, Ive been sick for a month straight! I dont know if the dizziness is from the cold weather Im around, the antibiotics Im currently taking for my sinus problem (which is been over a week so far. I m feeling better), or if there is still left over fluid in my ear. (Yet I don't feel any or feel fullness when my head it tilted) I remember before taking anitiobotics (started a week ago) that the 2 weeks before my antibiotics, I was taking pseudoephedrine constantly to stop the dizziness and head pressure. But that went away as i took a break and moved onto antibiotics. Over the week of antibiotics it went away! And I still take the normal medicine on time and 2 days ago the dizziness started again. In fact I ALSO recently got my flu shot and some other shot for chicken pox at Kaiser 2 or 3 days ago. So much medicine and pain and allergy meds I ve been taking and advice I m following from the doctors. And now it s back.... today I happened to walk a bit with my dad and it wasn t rainy but frizzy and moist in the air. I don t know it the cold today made my head, make me feel dizzy or if it s the shots with my antibiotics. Ugh. Any advice and what it may be for sure??

or:Hello. Ive been having really bad dizziness. But for backup info, Ive been sick for a month straight! I dont know if the dizziness is from the cold weather Im around, the antibiotics Im currently taking for my sinus problem (which is been over a week so far. I m feeling better), or if there is still left over fluid in my ear. (Yet I don't feel any or feel fullness when my head it tilted) I remember before taking anitiobotics (started a week ago) that the 2 weeks before my antibiotics, I was taking pseudoephedrine constantly to stop the dizziness and head pressure. But that went away as i took a break and moved onto antibiotics. Over the week of antibiotics it went away! And I still take the normal medicine on time and 2 days ago the dizziness started again. In fact I ALSO recently got my flu shot and some other shot for chicken pox at Kaiser 2 or 3 days ago. So much medicine and pain and allergy meds I ve been taking and advice I m following from the doctors. And now it s back.... today I happened to walk a bit with my dad and it wasn t rainy but frizzy and moist in the air. I don t know it the cold today made my head, make me feel dizzy or if it s the shots with my antibiotics. Ugh. Any advice and what it may be for sure??
