What is the connection between the renaissance, age of exploration, and rise of absolute monarchs?

or:What is the connection between the renaissance, age of exploration, and rise of absolute monarchs?or:There were several renaissances. The one peo

or:What is the connection between the renaissance, age of exploration, and rise of absolute monarchs?

or:There were several renaissances. The one people are most interested in was in Europe, 14th to 17th centuries. The age of exploration was a loosely defined period of European history in the 17th to 18th centuries. Absolute monarchy is just another detail in how countries manage their internal corruption. The term refers mostly to Denmark, France, Prussia, Russia, and Sweden. The results have not been anything to brag about. You can go to wikipedia.com and get general information about each of those topics. There is little or no connection between them.
