I'm 17 and I'm 6'2 in a half or 6'3 and my mother is 5'9 and my father is 6'5. Will I keep on?

... growing? or:... growing?or:www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=growth+chart+female,9yr,4%276%27%27,105+lbs&lk=6&ab=cEnter your details and see what yo

... growing?

or:... growing?

or:www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=growth+chart+female,9yr,4%276%27%27,105+lbs&lk=6&ab=cEnter your details and see what you get.

or:It just depends on when your body is ready to stop.

or:Growing stops when you're 17-19. No one can tell the future, so this question is somewhat pointless to ask.
