How to get rid of mice?

I found a mice back in February and it died in a glue trap. I found another 2 weeks later and it finally died 2 weeks ago. I found it laying dead on t

I found a mice back in February and it died in a glue trap. I found another 2 weeks later and it finally died 2 weeks ago. I found it laying dead on the floor so took it out and shot it in the dumpster. Now there is another. I have set snap traps and glue but no avail. So how do i get rid of them and how many more will there be?

or:I found a mice back in February and it died in a glue trap. I found another 2 weeks later and it finally died 2 weeks ago. I found it laying dead on the floor so took it out and shot it in the dumpster. Now there is another. I have set snap traps and glue but no avail. So how do i get rid of them and how many more will there be?
