What exactly takes place in the brain during an intense brain storming session?

Are there certain areas activated moreso then others? Do you drop into alpha/theta brainwaves? Is it benefitial to your health to brainstorm? or:Are

Are there certain areas activated moreso then others? Do you drop into alpha/theta brainwaves? Is it benefitial to your health to brainstorm?

or:Are there certain areas activated moreso then others? Do you drop into alpha/theta brainwaves? Is it benefitial to your health to brainstorm?

or:as far as i know when you say brain storming it means that your exchanging ideas for a certain project etc

or:Oh yea, in the traditional sense brainstorming is associated with groups. i should've specified, i ment a solo brainstorming session. Kinda like what writers and artist sometimes do just to get different kinds of ideas. I was wondering if anyone knew what goes on in their brain while doing that.
