How 2 close tabs on galaxy 2 tablet?

Got tablet 7 weeks ago& keep having same problem, cant close tabs! Have tried touching tab at top of page but it just seems 2 take me 2 that page rath

Got tablet 7 weeks ago& keep having same problem, cant close tabs! Have tried touching tab at top of page but it just seems 2 take me 2 that page rather than closing tab!:( help

or:Got tablet 7 weeks ago& keep having same problem, cant close tabs! Have tried touching tab at top of page but it just seems 2 take me 2 that page rather than closing tab!:( help

or:I have one just like you and I used to have the same problem. At the bottom their is a button that is in the shape of the house. If you tap it it will take you to the home page.
