Clouded Laptop Screen?

I accidently spilled water on my closed HP laptop. Now the screen is completely covered in blotches where the water was spilled. Is there any way for

I accidently spilled water on my closed HP laptop. Now the screen is completely covered in blotches where the water was spilled. Is there any way for me to clean them off without completely taking my laptop apart? I don't know if this helps, but it's only the screen. My keyboard, mousepad, and computer itself are working perfectly fine. Thanks!

or:I accidently spilled water on my closed HP laptop. Now the screen is completely covered in blotches where the water was spilled. Is there any way for me to clean them off without completely taking my laptop apart? I don't know if this helps, but it's only the screen. My keyboard, mousepad, and computer itself are working perfectly fine. Thanks!
