What is the best food to feed my Pomeranian?

Shes about 1 and a half years old semi active. About 4 pounds with dry flaking skin please help or:She's about 1 and a half years old semi active. Abo

She's about 1 and a half years old semi active. About 4 pounds with dry flaking skin please help

or:She's about 1 and a half years old semi active. About 4 pounds with dry flaking skin please help

or:you know it would make alot of sense to put her on a more natural food that doesn't have dies and other things that aren't good you improve a more active pet you'll have a swwet pet that is alot more active iams small chucks is good blue mountain is another good one also might want to bath her in a flea shampoo that has oatmeal in it get rid of the dry flaky skin the shampoo has moistureizers in it good for the coat
