What is the best way to lie to people and have them believe what you said?

Most politicians can do this; seemingly without any remorse. or:Most politicians can do this; seemingly without any remorse.or:I guess you could do wh

Most politicians can do this; seemingly without any remorse.

or:Most politicians can do this; seemingly without any remorse.

or:I guess you could do what they do and tell a story and if they have enough backers they can say just about anything and make the political party believe what they say this gives them room to say just about anything that way they draw other followers who believe their story as well then they have more followers when it comes voting time at the polls.

or:Use the sentence : \" am just telling you that! Amd it ups to you to believe that or not! \" lol xD It always works :p

or:Speak with confidence, while at the back of your mind you are considering that what you are saying is indeed true. It's like you try to convince yourself first. Then look at them straight to their eyes.
