Why is there no place for professional housekeepers to list bad clients?

Over 44 years I have had my share of horrible clients. The majority have been the new rich, 30 to 45 year old. They are nasty, demanding, malicious

Over 44 years I have had my share of horrible clients. The majority have been the new rich, 30 to 45 year old. They are nasty, demanding, malicious and try and demean the housekeeper at every turn. Although I have never been fired, I certainly have left the client and subsequently (to my satisfaction) they have yet to get another housekeeper. Those that do have not kept them more than a week or two. We professional domestics need a place to post about these clients so we can help our fellow housekeepers out of that arena.

or:Over 44 years I have had my share of horrible clients. The majority have been the new rich, 30 to 45 year old. They are nasty, demanding, malicious and try and demean the housekeeper at every turn. Although I have never been fired, I certainly have left the client and subsequently (to my satisfaction) they have yet to get another housekeeper. Those that do have not kept them more than a week or two. We professional domestics need a place to post about these clients so we can help our fellow housekeepers out of that arena.

or:I am not in your field of work but I completely agree with you!

or:There is not a whole lot of resources for that. You just need to tell others you know about the bad clients.You could open a facebook account or a youtube channel for it or even your own website. Other than that I'm not sure. But I completely agree with you as well. If a client treats his/her employee like that, they should be cleaning their own houses or buildings and save some cash.
