Where is best weight loss programs are offered?

After my Pregnancy I become overweight. I want to lose my weight. I have heard about weight loss programs from my friend. Please suggest best health c

After my Pregnancy I become overweight. I want to lose my weight. I have heard about weight loss programs from my friend. Please suggest best health care center in Madison, WI.

or:After my Pregnancy I become overweight. I want to lose my weight. I have heard about weight loss programs from my friend. Please suggest best health care center in Madison, WI.

or:Not all weight lose programs are good, some don't even let you lose weight. What I would suggest is eating healthy like fruits and vegetables, Fat free food items, or reduced fat. I would also check labels and see how much fat is in each item and how much protein, you want more protein and less fat. Eat 4 small meals a day and half your plate should be fruits and vegetable, 2 helpings of 1/3 cup size helping of meat, 4 to 5 little portion of pasta and grains like !/3 cup, 3 to 4 dairy products a day. Also don't watch TV while you are eating it will make you more hungry and if you drink a full glass of water 1/2 hour before each meal, it will decrease your appetite and you won't be as hungry so you won't eat as much. Also exercise at least 45 minutes to an hour each day, and start out easy and slow, and make your way up to faster. I would suggest aerobics, swimming, walking at steady pace, get a membership at a gym or health fitness center...You could go visit a local dietician in your area if there is any, she could help you more also but then you have more accountability of what you eat as well.
