What does the note start on for the key of a flat major?

or:What does the note start on for the key of a flat major?or:I'm not sure your question is clear enough to answer.Are you asking \"What is the 1st n

or:What does the note start on for the key of a flat major?

or:I'm not sure your question is clear enough to answer.Are you asking \"What is the 1st note in a major scaleof a flat key?As in, what's the 1st note in a Bb major scale, or an Ebmajor scale?If so . . . You can start on any note of a major scale. It'sstill that same major scale. In a playing situation, startingon a different note, and playing the scale could be playingin a mode.In general, the first note in ANY key would be the name ofthe key. Key of Bb, 1st note is a Bb.Each note in a major scale is referred to as a degree. In aC major scale, C is the root, or 1st degree. D is the 2nddegree, etc. It doesn't matter if it's a Natural key like C,or a flat key like Bb, or a sharp key like C#.If your question is . . . \"What key am I in if I play a flat majorscale but don't start on the 1st note?\" then that's a differentquestion all together.There isn't a short answer to this question. Because nowyou're specifically dealing with modes. The key your in, as in, the ROOT key will be the same, regardless what noteyou start on. But . . . what MODE you're in depends on whatnote you start on.There are 7 modes. Look up MODES on the net. Each degreeof the scale can be your starting point while playing the scale.Also look up \"how to build a major chord scale\" or \"how to builda major harmony scale.\" You'll find that a major chord scale has 7 chords, one for eachnote in the major scale.The 7 chords, starting from the root, in the key of C for example, will be:CM, Dmin, Emin, FM, G7, Amin, Bdim, back to the root, or tonic, CM.If you start playing your major scale from the 2nd degree, for instance,over some chord progressions, you'd be playing in D Dorian Mode.This is a really simplified explanation. It's a bit more involved than that.But you should get the gist of it.If not, drop me an email at \"wayne at thewaynereedconnection.com\"Wayne
