How does the mentalist Carl Swindler read minds?

or:How does the mentalist Carl Swindler read minds?or:We've seen him in Las vegas, he's really good at guessing what your thinking by observing your

or:How does the mentalist Carl Swindler read minds?

or:We've seen him in Las vegas, he's really good at guessing what your thinking by observing your body language and gestures. He manipulates and controls choices and thoughts but I suspect it's by using neuro-linguistic, persuasion and hypnosis. In other words, he can give the illusion that he's truly a mind-reader by skillfully using facial expressions, suggestions, and other psychological tools.

or:Carl Swindler is a master manipulator of people's thoughts, he's very skilled at reading non-verbal cues to know what you're thinking. Most of his ability to read minds is all about psychology.
