What should I do about this moving business?

My BCFF (best cousin friend forever) is gonna move houses kinda far away. She says she doesnt mind because the new house will be warm and her house is

My BCFF (best cousin friend forever) is gonna move houses kinda far away. She says she doesn't mind because the new house will be warm and her house is cold but its gonna affect both of our lives. We go to school together, we live right next to each other and we see each other a lot, I'm afraid thats gonna change. It seems like this won't affect her since she said she doesn't mind moving because her house is cold. What should I do?

or:My BCFF (best cousin friend forever) is gonna move houses kinda far away. She says she doesn't mind because the new house will be warm and her house is cold but its gonna affect both of our lives. We go to school together, we live right next to each other and we see each other a lot, I'm afraid thats gonna change. It seems like this won't affect her since she said she doesn't mind moving because her house is cold. What should I do?
