I have a 60 gal tank, 5 goldfish, big filter and water quality issues. Will another filter help?

I am having trouble keeping my tank cycled and ammonia down. I have a canister filter that is the right size for a 60 gallon tank. Instead of finding

I am having trouble keeping my tank cycled and ammonia down. I have a canister filter that is the right size for a 60 gallon tank. Instead of finding another home for some of my goldfish will adding another filter help solve my water quality issues?

or:I am having trouble keeping my tank cycled and ammonia down. I have a canister filter that is the right size for a 60 gallon tank. Instead of finding another home for some of my goldfish will adding another filter help solve my water quality issues?

or:\"Filter issues\" does not mean anything more than \"something's wrong\". There are many kinds of water filters, each one for a specific issue. You need to go to the fish store and tell them about your problems and see what they sell you.
