What are some tools for sentiment analysis that are suitable for academic purposes ?

i am student working on a research project, please reccomend some tools that can assist me. or:i am student working on a research project, please recc

i am student working on a research project, please reccomend some tools that can assist me.

or:i am student working on a research project, please reccomend some tools that can assist me.

or:Tools? No. Corporate giants spend hefty sums on data collection and model training to suit their business purposes, and they don't share proprietary weights. What you can get is knowledge, miniature sets and your determination & creativity's worth.https :// github . com / onnx/modelshttps :// github . com / xiamx/awesome-sentiment-analysis

or:You can try these tools 1. BytesViewBytesView is the best tool for research as its sentiment analysis tool is simple and can effectively explain the whole process in a simplistic manner. There is also a demo function which you can try to gain a better understanding of the process.With their sentiment analysis tool, you can effortlessly gather text data from multiple sources and use them to improve your customer support services, employee and customer feedback solutions, etc.It can be easily trained to support and analyze 30+ languages, you just have to get access to the BytesView API and integrate it with your system.2. RosetteRosette's sentiment analysis tool is a breeze for researchers as you can use the API to perform sentiment analysis on social media data, as well as a more fine-grained analysis. For example, the sentiment expressed by customers when they mention a specific product, company, or person.If you have global data you can train Rosette\u2019s sentiment analysis tool to identify up to 30 languages.3. TalkwalkerTalkwalker is another great tool for beginner-friendly research too. It claims to have the best available sentiment analysis technology, which enables it to distinguish sarcasm and other unclear forms of undesirable mentions.This tool works best with your social media channels as it can tell you exactly how people feel about your company's social media accounts.
