What should I do when I am bored?

Like at school or something? or:Like at school or something?or:ill just talk to rondom peopleor:ya just talk to random peeps and just fiddle but itis

Like at school or something?

or:Like at school or something?

or:ill just talk to rondom people

or:ya just talk to random peeps and just fiddle but itis good to pay attention to not get a bad grade and get ur phone taking away!!!yikes any home have a party watch some football

or:Try to read this book:Questions Young People Ask\u2014Answers That Work, Volume 1This volume includes the following sections:Dealing with FamilyYour IdentityIn and Out of ClassSex, Morals, and LoveSelf-Destructive BehaviorYour Free Time ---> You like this for sureYour Worshipand also the 2nd volume:Questions Young People Ask\u2014Answers That Work, Volume 2This volume will help you answer questions about:The Opposite SexLife ChangesFriendship IssuesSchool and Your PeersMoney MattersYour ParentsYour FeelingsRecreationYour Spiritual Growth

or:knukle down and do your work and you will soon not be bored

or:I know this sounds weird but listen to the teacher very intently or think of as many random words as you can with out 2 words in a row that go together
