License Renewal?

Quick question. I will be turning 21 in a couple of weeks on 1/03/2015. I know when you turn 21 you get a new type of licenses. However, my current li

Quick question. I will be turning 21 in a couple of weeks on 1/03/2015. I know when you turn 21 you get a new type of licenses. However, my current license says it doesn't expire until 1/03/2017. Do I have to get it renew now once I turn 21 or can I wait until the expired date. I just don't want it to be problem if I go to bars or anything.

or:Quick question. I will be turning 21 in a couple of weeks on 1/03/2015. I know when you turn 21 you get a new type of licenses. However, my current license says it doesn't expire until 1/03/2017. Do I have to get it renew now once I turn 21 or can I wait until the expired date. I just don't want it to be problem if I go to bars or anything.

or:well your okay you just have to get it renewed once it expires your bitrhday is already on it so who ever you show it to will see it doesn't expire till 01/03/2017 so your okay till you have to renew it agian just pay attention to the laws you'll be okay
