How do I deal with my mentally ill mom?

Im 11 and my mom has had mental problems pretty much my whole life. In 2011 my parents got divorced and got shared custody. My mom would yell at us ev

I'm 11 and my mom has had mental problems pretty much my whole life. In 2011 my parents got divorced and got shared custody. My mom would yell at us every day. My brother has ceribal palsey so he cant walk or talk. My mom was over doseing him (and sometimes me) with Tylonal. She wouldn't let him go to the bathroom and didn't feed him as much as she should. Anyways a nurse working with my brother reported my mom and my dad got full custody. I am so glad to be with my dad but i miss my mom a lot, but i don't want to see her. I feel like if i see my mom i'm not really seeing her. I have grown up with her as my mom but she is not acting like she normally would so i don't know what my mom is really like. I miss her sooooooooo much and i dont know what to do. i used to call her every night but then i stopped and now i really want to call her but i don't know what to say. She'll want to know why i havn't been calling and i cant tell her the truth (that i really didnt want to talk to her). She wont respond to my emails or texts unless its about my brother. I have tried to invite her to come to a musical the my school is putting on (I'm in tech crew) but she wont respond and i really want to know if she cares enough to come because on Valentines day she sent my brother a card and not me and she has always cared about my brother more than me.
I miss her so much and i have cried myself to sleep for the past few days what sould i do???????????

or:I'm 11 and my mom has had mental problems pretty much my whole life. In 2011 my parents got divorced and got shared custody. My mom would yell at us every day. My brother has ceribal palsey so he cant walk or talk. My mom was over doseing him (and sometimes me) with Tylonal. She wouldn't let him go to the bathroom and didn't feed him as much as she should. Anyways a nurse working with my brother reported my mom and my dad got full custody. I am so glad to be with my dad but i miss my mom a lot, but i don't want to see her. I feel like if i see my mom i'm not really seeing her. I have grown up with her as my mom but she is not acting like she normally would so i don't know what my mom is really like. I miss her sooooooooo much and i dont know what to do. i used to call her every night but then i stopped and now i really want to call her but i don't know what to say. She'll want to know why i havn't been calling and i cant tell her the truth (that i really didnt want to talk to her). She wont respond to my emails or texts unless its about my brother. I have tried to invite her to come to a musical the my school is putting on (I'm in tech crew) but she wont respond and i really want to know if she cares enough to come because on Valentines day she sent my brother a card and not me and she has always cared about my brother more than me. I miss her so much and i have cried myself to sleep for the past few days what sould i do???????????

or:It's gonna be difficult, but you've gotta have patience. Don't give up if she doesn't respond straight away. Maybe try visiting her when you have time, and tell him how you feel. It's not wise to sugar-coat stuff, so just jell her the truth. The situation will get worse if you don't do anything, hide your feelings about how she's treated you, etc. but don't forget - she has tried to look after to two of you, despite her condition. Learn her behavior patterns, here's a couple examples:When she gets angry, don't let it get to you. Alot of things that aren't truly meant can be said in the heat of it all.If she does things that might appear weird, just go with it, don't criticize.If she gets upset, comfort her by telling her things that she does well, that are good, and that make her feel special. Maybe buy her a small gift.And just be gentle with her, physically and verbally.I'm only giving suggestions, although I do know somebody who's mother is mentally ill, and could give you better advice.

or:If she has the money, she needs to be treated. I know that we are not faced with challenges we cannot overcome, ever. You do have strength to get over this. She has strength to overcome her illness. If she doesn't have motivation to change her habits and behaviors, you have to (in a sense) slap her in the face with reality. You are her daughter and should be treated with respect, especially from her. Hope I helped(:
