The Trump Effect?

Hello, I am writing an article for my school newspaper about the recent election. If you are willing to answer my questions, they are simple: - Have y


I am writing an article for my school newspaper about the recent election. If you are willing to answer my questions, they are simple:

- Have you ever seen anything like this (in regards to the protests and fear that constituents have) happen in previous election years?

- What would you say to those who feel as if they cannot survive in Trump’s America?

Thanks in advance.

or:Hello, I am writing an article for my school newspaper about the recent election. If you are willing to answer my questions, they are simple: - Have you ever seen anything like this (in regards to the protests and fear that constituents have) happen in previous election years? - What would you say to those who feel as if they cannot survive in Trump\u2019s America? Thanks in advance.

or:We've seen this happen previously back in 2008, when that dictator was elected. To those who say that they cannot survive in Trump's America, I answer it with this- Would they have survived if Clinton was elected? To put this in easy terms: Donald Trump was called 'a fair judge' by multiple African American contestants back when he judged pageants. Trump wasn't racist or a bigot, but the liberal media was out to get him because they didn't like him. Anyone who supported Trump were called bigots. Clinton, back in 2004, opposed gay marriage. Bill Clinton was reported as saying during Obama's inauguration as \"It wasn't too long ago that he'd be serving us drinks. I miss the good old days.\" Clinton also defended child molesters, and ruined the lives of the women that were sexually abused by her husband. Honestly, Trump was a much better choice. I'm going to get hate for saying that, but it was either him or Clinton.
