Is it unhealthy to be treated like ur still using even after 5 yrs of sobriety?

. I had a drug problem but Iwent into a detox and drug program voluntarily and have been clean for 5years. I do not have a car now bcuz I could not af

. I had a drug problem but Iwent into a detox and drug program voluntarily and have been clean for 5years. I do not have a car now bcuz I could not afford to fix mine. I have been missing work a lot lately bcuz I don't have a way there. I've asked my mother for rides or if I can use the other car but she won't let me or give me rides. Is it toxic to my recovery and unhealthy in general to be treated like I'm still using.

or:. I had a drug problem but Iwent into a detox and drug program voluntarily and have been clean for 5years. I do not have a car now bcuz I could not afford to fix mine. I have been missing work a lot lately bcuz I don't have a way there. I've asked my mother for rides or if I can use the other car but she won't let me or give me rides. Is it toxic to my recovery and unhealthy in general to be treated like I'm still using.
