Can u make a brownies recipe, make it fluffy,STEAM it &call the fluffy brown cake a STEAM BROWNIES?

this is the cake that devide my country lol. A lady started an instant hit yeara ago, selling fluffly brown cake & call it steam brownies. Nor, a real

this is the cake that devide my country lol. A lady started an instant hit yeara ago, selling fluffly brown cake & call it steam brownies. Nor, a real brownies are being called a failed cake.

or:this is the cake that devide my country lol. A lady started an instant hit yeara ago, selling fluffly brown cake & call it steam brownies. Nor, a real brownies are being called a failed cake.

or:If you want, ya, it's just a name. A big mac is called big mac even though it's a burger.
