XLR Microphone Trouble?

I seem to be having some trouble being able to listen to Youtube or anything other than my mixing software. I have to constantly keep switching my hea

I seem to be having some trouble being able to listen to Youtube or anything other than my mixing software. I have to constantly keep switching my headphones from the pre-amplifier to a USB microphone with a headphone jack. I want to rid myself of that pain in the ass and just be able to listen to stuff, and then go back to editing audio when I please.

or:I seem to be having some trouble being able to listen to Youtube or anything other than my mixing software. I have to constantly keep switching my headphones from the pre-amplifier to a USB microphone with a headphone jack. I want to rid myself of that pain in the ass and just be able to listen to stuff, and then go back to editing audio when I please.

or:Im not an expert, and I use VERY OLD REC software (Adobe Audition 1.5) (go ahead and laugh...LOL)..BUT, its from the last century and VERY user and \"common Sense\" oriented,.and easy to configure WAV IN and WAV OUT... You need to find your \"Device Manager\" and \"Device Order\" settings with in your software. Mine is under \"Options\" in both my Multi Track and Edit screens. Here, you'll be able to choose your WAV IN device like USB device OR your Sound card with interface. In your case, it would be USB device right?...NOW, the WAV OUT...You'll want to choose your \"Sound card\" so the internal WAV OUT of your windows REC mixer will play what plays through the computer (WMP) (Flashplayer for youtube) and sound files that would need YOUR sound card to play. (like an Mp3 sent by E mail) (videos from FB) etc.Now, in Device Order, make sure you have you WAV IN (usb device) showing at the TOP so it will be chosen to be the active choice...I assuming your have no interface (breakout box) that WOULD use the Sound Card FOR WAV IN...If ya did, you could let you sound card handle BOTH WAV IN AND WAV OUT ....Also, I set my REC software and a default to \"play\" all files from the computer so if somebody sends me an Mp3, Adobe will open it...As soon as you plug in a usb device, IT, takes over both WAV IN and WAV OUT dutys....Now , if you use the same mic all the time, it shouldnt chance your newly configured status in your software....Ya might wanna close out your software after youve configured the WAV IN and WAV OUT to make sure it stays USB IN and SOUND CARD OUT...Hope this helps!
