Do I need to put more eye drops in?

Due to having redness in my eye, my mum gave me these " Otrivine antistin eye drops". It has helped one of my eyes by clearing out most of the redness

Due to having redness in my eye, my mum gave me these " Otrivine antistin eye drops". It has helped one of my eyes by clearing out most of the redness but everytime I put a drop in my other one, my eyes start to water. Does this mean that the product is getting washed out of my eye and I have to put in another drop?

or:Due to having redness in my eye, my mum gave me these \" Otrivine antistin eye drops\". It has helped one of my eyes by clearing out most of the redness but everytime I put a drop in my other one, my eyes start to water. Does this mean that the product is getting washed out of my eye and I have to put in another drop?

or:And what is the reason for your redness? We need to build on this. I drip others for dry eyes with drops. At the moment when you drip your tears instantly begin to stand out as foreign matter enters. Just close your eyes densely when dripping.
