I'm starting to hate video games?

its not because theyre violent or have suggestive themes and stuff like that. but because theyre too expensive. i havent bought a new game since chris

it's not because they're violent or have suggestive themes and stuff like that. but because they're too expensive. i haven't bought a new game since christmas and also it's because there isn't enough good ones out right now. but i'm mostly bored with online gaming because most gamers are playing the same games. COD, battlefield 3 ect. the problem is that i don't have enough hobbies and was wanting suggestions for new ones.

or:it's not because they're violent or have suggestive themes and stuff like that. but because they're too expensive. i haven't bought a new game since christmas and also it's because there isn't enough good ones out right now. but i'm mostly bored with online gaming because most gamers are playing the same games. COD, battlefield 3 ect. the problem is that i don't have enough hobbies and was wanting suggestions for new ones.

or:Noooo! dont hate gaming, its one of the best things ever, but around this time of year (Australia) Everything is on sale cuz of end of finacial year, so many games at EB Games are really cheap right now, and there are many games that are cheap there any time of year.

or:Hi there,Playing video games have several advantages like it improves your hand-eye coordination, your problem solving skills and also aids in mental development.The solution to your problem is online gaming, as you can play plenty of free games without worrying about the hassles of downloading.I am an avid fan of video games and have played some very interesting ones.I particularly liked 3D La Supercars; it is an awesome adventure plus racing game, which you can play
