Please help me solve this ICT question?

How will you analyse this statement? My computer is connected to the Internet but my I do not have access to the World Wide Web, how can that happen

How will you analyse this statement? My computer is connected to the Internet but my I do not have access to the World Wide Web, how can that happen since the Internet and the World Wide Web are the same

or:How will you analyse this statement? My computer is connected to the Internet but my I do not have access to the World Wide Web, how can that happen since the Internet and the World Wide Web are the same

or:You mean to inspect and possibly de-code?You can highlight the part of the part you wish to inspect with your cursor or mouse. right click, down in the options, there may be something that says inspect, click on that, if you're good at computer coding you shoould be able to easily de-code, though, since you are taking a test, I do not reccommend.

or:The speaker needs to learn what the words mean. This is the sort of question you might get from a secretary who knows how to run her programs, but otherwise has no idea what she is talking about. The first thing you do is assure her that you are going to take care of that problem. Then you look and see what is what. Ask her to show you what happens.
