How long will I have to have my braces on for?

Hi, I was just wondering would anyone know anything about the period of time I will have to wait to get my braces off. I have a small gap in my front

I was just wondering would anyone know anything about the period of time I will have to wait to get my braces off.

I have a small gap in my front teeth that needs correction, My top right side of teeth are straight.
Along with my gap problem, I also have one other discrepancy, The tooth that is on the left side, right beside my front tooth (Sorry if that's confusing) has grown slightly sideways because of the baby tooth problems I had, it seems to be positioned a little behind the others. Other than that my teeth are fine, And my bottom teeth are straight.

Also, do you think I would be a candidate for clear braces or invisilign?
Any advice or comments would be helpful!

or:Hi, I was just wondering would anyone know anything about the period of time I will have to wait to get my braces off. I have a small gap in my front teeth that needs correction, My top right side of teeth are straight. Along with my gap problem, I also have one other discrepancy, The tooth that is on the left side, right beside my front tooth (Sorry if that's confusing) has grown slightly sideways because of the baby tooth problems I had, it seems to be positioned a little behind the others. Other than that my teeth are fine, And my bottom teeth are straight. Also, do you think I would be a candidate for clear braces or invisilign? Any advice or comments would be helpful!

or:Your orthodontist should have mentioned this if not you could make an appointment to find out but most people I know are getting them off after about 2 years after they got them on. Good luck

or:The usual time takes about 2 years until your orthodontist will be able to take them off. In some cases it may take longer. I'm not sure how long it will take for you with your gap and all but good luck!!

or:The duration of time for which the braces are kept mostly vary from person to person. It actually varies because of the acuteness of the gaps between the teeth. These days, there have emerged various noteworthy dental clinics, which provide very excellent services to the people, with regard to all kinds of dental problems. These clinics provide very active services to the people and will provide you the complete knowledge about the entire process of gap repositioning. These dental clinics are so popular, as they provide very assured and effective services to the people, with regard to the dental issues and provide very cooperative assistance to the people, regarding all the dental requirements. For having more detailed knowledge on your query, get access to the online sources of information.
