Whats a Good Job for a 16 yr old who graduated HS @ 14 But currently in College on their own?

or:Whats a Good Job for a 16 yr old who graduated HS @ 14 But currently in College on their own?or:Well, perhaps search for a job that would aid with

or:Whats a Good Job for a 16 yr old who graduated HS @ 14 But currently in College on their own?

or:Well, perhaps search for a job that would aid with what you're studying/going to in college. I mean, you could try working in grocery markets (cashier) for the experience with handling money and customers. Things like that to consider.

or:Wow Good for you boss. You really winning in life right now if your that young. Babysitting is a great job and also waitering thats how i made money at your age

or:On campus job, given your age and achievement, talking to the right person at the school should help you with that. If not, really and truly anything would do, a job is just that, your in school building a career so don't focus too much on what kind of work would be good for you.
