Fiance wants to buy me a replica sword?

My fiance wants to let me pick my present this year. My options are a keyboard that I want for my computer or a replica sword from one of my favorite

My fiance wants to let me pick my present this year. My options are a keyboard that I want for my computer or a replica sword from one of my favorite movies. The sword is amazing, and something that I truly want and would keep and display forever. However, my family and his would both think it's the most stupid thing on the planet. So, what do I do?

or:My fiance wants to let me pick my present this year. My options are a keyboard that I want for my computer or a replica sword from one of my favorite movies. The sword is amazing, and something that I truly want and would keep and display forever. However, my family and his would both think it's the most stupid thing on the planet. So, what do I do?

or:Hmm. This is a toughie. Maybe buy the sword yourself and choose the keyboard?
