Google - how often do you feed 4 gold fish in a tankl?

we just got a little tank for my son and we dont know how often gold fish should be feed? or:we just got a little tank for my son and we dont know how

we just got a little tank for my son and we dont know how often gold fish should be feed?

or:we just got a little tank for my son and we dont know how often gold fish should be feed?

or:To make goldfish food easier to digest, simply fill a cup with aquarium water and soak the dry food for 5 to 10 seconds before feeding.Try feeding about 3 times a day, with each session lasting 1 to 2 minutes. Goldfish don\u2019t need to absorb calories to maintain body heat like we do. So if you\u2019re ever unsure of when to stop feeding your goldfish, you should stop.Try feeding less when you think you should feed more. Gradually you\u2019ll get the hang of how much food your goldfish really need to thrive.Your goldfish may wag their fins and beg for your attention when you pass by the tank. It\u2019s your job to resist feeding them outside of regular feeding periods, no matter how much energy your goldfish put into their little show.One of the most harmful things you can do is feed your goldfish too much food.Also once in a while try fewer feedings to oavoid constipation.Do not over feed! When in doubt, stop feeding. Only feed about 2 to 3 times a day with each session being as much as they can eat in under 2 minutes.Best of luck
