If I jump into a cars windshield when moving will I live?

I work for the highway dept. and I have close calls numerous times where cars have came into the lane closure and run into equipment and whatever else

I work for the highway dept. and I have close calls numerous times where cars have came into the lane closure and run into equipment and whatever else they can find. I have been hit twice while working, the first time I saw the car hit me and tried to get out of the way and the second time I got hit, I never saw it coming. Just wondering on the question.

or:I work for the highway dept. and I have close calls numerous times where cars have came into the lane closure and run into equipment and whatever else they can find. I have been hit twice while working, the first time I saw the car hit me and tried to get out of the way and the second time I got hit, I never saw it coming. Just wondering on the question.

or:Well it depends on what speed the car is going and the type of car; most modern cars have bonnets that will purposefully push the victim up onto the windshield to stop them from getting crushed, but in old cars this is not the case. It also comes down to how fast the car is going, at a faster rate your impact would be greater than at a lower rate.I am not saying that you should purposefully jump on top of a moving car, but if it is going at a reasonable speed you should probably check with a doctor for bleeding, but if at a slow enough pace i have a good feeling that you would live.
