What is a good name for a female Siberian Husky?

I am getting a female husky but dont know what to name her. My male husky is called SKY. These are some I like which one is best or do you have any su

I am getting a female husky but don't know what to name her.
My male husky is called SKY.
These are some I like which one is best or do you have any suggestions.
... Which one?

or:I am getting a female husky but don't know what to name her. My male husky is called SKY. These are some I like which one is best or do you have any suggestions.Snow Luna Venus Akita Akira Misty... Which one?

or:i like luna its pretty akira is pretty to sundra is pretty passion is pretty sierra is pretty misra is pretty just to add a few more pretty names to the list sosha is pretty now venus is pretty or you can name her yula after you that would be cute

or:Venus is really pretty one!

or:All the ones you suggested are beautiful. My favorite out of the list would be Akita. If you want some more suggestions though you could always chose a name that will be similar in theme to your male husky's name. Examples for that would be:*Cielo (means sky) Origin Spanish*Sora (means sky) Origin Japanese*Heaven *Azura or Azure (means sky blue)*Kya (means diamond in the sky) Origin - Africa*Skyller*Lani (means heaven or sky) Origin Hawaii

or:AlaniIcy roseIcebergSnow FlowerSnowball Ice queenElsa
