When did France enter the Second World War?

Hi, I would like to ask this question because I have researched the internet for this and I havent found the question anywhere. Its for my project. Do

Hi, I would like to ask this question because I have researched the internet for this and I haven't found the question anywhere. It's for my project. Don't worry, I'm not going to copy exactly what you said or do plagiarism, I'm going to do it in my own words.

or:Hi, I would like to ask this question because I have researched the internet for this and I haven't found the question anywhere. It's for my project. Don't worry, I'm not going to copy exactly what you said or do plagiarism, I'm going to do it in my own words.

or:at the same time as britan

or:France declared war on Germany on the date of Sep 3rd 1939. May 14th 1940 Germany invades France and on the date June 17th 1940 Germany enters Paris and June 22nd of same year France surrenders.
