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The idea of getting clients and having to draw their characters and bring them to life seems so fun! Imagine making a living by doing the thing you love, very realistic eh? Lucky enough for the skeptics around me, the excitement immediately dropped when I put out my commission sheet info out to the internet no one batted an eye. It was like shouting to an empty void. I posted on various websites including this, but every attempt comes with failure. Soon after, I .....Read more A Step In My Life Views : 1158 BY : LutfiMoh Drawing is a step in my life.3 years ago I spent my life working in a hospital, but it felt so hard and made me a little depressed because I could not feel happy. So I decided to resign from the hospital and started drawing.At first I drew on paper with watercolors, it lasted for a year, until finally I met a friend who is good at digital drawing. I was interested and started trying to draw digitally. Yeah, that was very fun. Maybe this can be a good therapy for me.Now I am truly in love with digital drawing. Make beautiful art and can also make other pe.....Read more Saved By Talent Views : 1460 BY : PISCEANART Abandoned by the world, saved by talent.“You cannot get money from your drawings”. Store owner said it to me, it was painful but it was true. I was a young man at that time and I’m really looking for a job, I don't have money, dropped out of college, have a broken family and also I’m a broken hearted. I don’t have anything to complain about but this is life and I need to move forward.Well, the world before is not like our world today, before online jobs were not yet available or not yet available in my country. In my yo.....Read more Free Expression Of The Imagination Views : 1898 BY : LPDarkRender Being an artist is a free expression of the imagination.In detail, being a 3D artist forces you to analyze the world differently. To be honest, I had no idea when I started to have an interest in 3D art, for sure I know I was pretty young, we talk about Windows 98 and its games.I had always been fascinated by these virtual worlds, that year by year they were always more close to the real one; this technology will improve every day and it will always be like that. The true challenge for us is to keep that pace and be constantly updated.The most interesting experi.....Read more Archiving Drawings: A Bad Habit Views : 1877 BY : SELENE_S_BUNNY There are beautiful days when drawing can be enjoyable, ideas flow easily and we feel overwhelmed with inspiration turning a blank sheet into the home of the imagination.But ... what happens when those days come when not even a simple two-line doodle can you do? Well friend, that is what we call the artistic block.Before talking to you about my story, I want to explain quickly what artistic block is about and it is nothing more or nothing less than the temporary inability to capture ideas, whether drawn or written, coming to feel moments of frustration and anxiety. Thi.....Read more Believe In Yourself Views : 1965 BY : LUZDELSOL Believe in yourself and in your dreamsI knew that I liked to draw since I was very little, sometimes by following what others say about not following art or not following your dreams and changing it for something more stable, it leads us to leave what we really love, who we really are, and we get lost.But, sometimes the light appears to guide us back to our origins, and that is what happened to me, I always used art to create my own world, and I made the decision to do what I love and make me happy and be able to show that world out, and create for any.....Read more It's An Indescribable Feeling Views : 2523 BY : Clayscence I'd love to share my story. Sorry if I make mistakes, English is not my native language. You can correct them if you want.I always loved to draw, since I was a little girl I remember everyone telling me I had a natural talent, and I was lucky enough to be encouraged by my family to explore my artistry. I didn't think of becoming a professional artist until I discovered websites for artists on the internet. At that time I was drawing using Microsoft Paint, so I started uploading stuff and I got a nice reaction. I met other artists through the forums and learn.....Read more Art Gave Me A Reason To Live Views : 2002 BY : Resiqn Hello! I would like to tell you about my story of how art saved me from illness and gave me meaning of life.Before that, Hello there! my name is Resiqn. I've been working as a Comic Artist and Freelance Artist for fun.I was diagnosed with cancer when I was young. Not only that, a few years later, I was diagnosed with Bipolar, BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and ICD (impulse control disorder) which makes my conditions getting worse.I often pretend like my illness was nothing so everyone won't be worried. I used to think that if other people we.....Read more Art Saved My Life Views : 1902 BY : AlenyerC "Art saved my life."Being an artist feels great. You work doing what you love, and that is priceless. My first encounter with art was many years ago when I drew the characters from my favorite anime and comics.The first challenge was losing my job. The company I worked for scammed me, they used my designs and after several months without good pay, the company filed for bankruptcy and I lost what little I had.The second challenge was losing the fear of drawing for other people. But I realized that fear did not pay the bills or the food, so I decid.....Read more Age does not define your skill level Views : 1862 BY : Kitsei Age does not define your skill level. -I'm currently a 26 y/o aspiring Digital Artist who still struggles, but I'll get into that a bit more after I discuss the beginning of my journey.I started at a very young age, I would say around 6 to say the least. Being a kid, I just felt the desire to colour a picture.. draw a random thing. I never knew how much I loved Art until' I kept doing more than just grabbing a pencil and going to town. As I continued to age, a comic wasn't just a comic to me, I enjoyed the artistic side that was put into it......Read more Art For Passion And Living Views : 2332 BY : IONATHAVICO Hello, I'm Ionatha and I'm an architect and freelance illustrator from Indonesia. I've been drawing since my childhood, and I can't live without art and drawing.My journey began when I joined Roleplaying Group named Canvas Ranger. I met new friends, even artists who draw more beautiful than I am. After practice, I gain more confidence to draw far from my comfort zone. Draw building, comic, group photoshoot, armor, kamen rider etc. each drawing made me better and appreciate the details, and I want to give the best in every art that I made.When I joined the fac.....Read more Growing Stronger Views : 1963 BY : OZUMARYU Growing Stronger.I've been drawing since I was really little, like 6-7 y/o and it always was the way for me to connect with and understand the world I live in, and at the same time, the world that lives inside me.Through the years many things happened, people come and go, but drawing was always with me, it's the thing that stayed and just grows in me eternally. It was difficult at the beginning to connect with others, to find people who fully support this one thing I want to do for the rest of my life, and fortunately I did, on the internet and in my hometo.....Read more ‹›All Stories About UsGetting StartedHomeTestimonialsSupportOur BlogOur FacebookOur TwitterStories TermsFAQsPrivacy © Artists&Clients 2022 ×Markdown CheatsheetItalic Text*text*Bold Text**text**Text Links[Text](http://link)Blockquotes*> quoted textHeadings*# Biggest headline up to ###### Smallest headlineLists** List item or 1. Numbered list item* These elements must be separated from preceding/following paragraphs by a new lineComplete official syntax documentation × September 21 2022No Recent Announcement