Benedikt Schmitz Visual Design
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2022-08-24 16:57:19

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2022-08-24 16:57:19

Design Motion Photography Contact Impressum Design Motion Photography Contact Impressum Design Poster, Artwork & Logos by Benedikt Schmitz Honig - The Last Thing The World Needs NowMrs. Greenbird - Dark WatersDas Netz der Stadt - New Information Design for the KVBTH Köln RedesignDomingo - Wooden FloorHello Piedpiper - The Raucous TideCoonabi Navigation App ConceptTakt auf TaktDown by the WaterWe used to be Tourists - Making Friends with GhostsB(r)ands & AuthenticityThe New Poor - Nobody Cares About AgeDomingo - Cookies, Books & GoldCrippled Deer SessionsMatjes mit WasabiGlorious MotorcyclesWe used to be Tourists - Make It Home AliveDiggin' VinylCan't Buy Me Love - MusikerflohmarktNoisegroupieKISDannual 2014Nutzbar