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2022-05-08 06:53:14

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2022-05-08 06:53:14

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padding: 4px 15px!important; background: #06689d!important; } .active { visibility: visible; position: static; opacity: 1; transition: 3s; }Monthly GiveawaysNew to cardschat?Latest NewsRecent ThreadsHot ThreadsMonthly Giveaways$65K CardsChatPrize GiveawayJoin over 364,846 CardsChat members as we give away up to $65K in prizes, satellites and money added buy-ins!364,846CardsChat members and counting...See Our MembersCrush The Tables On:Includes daily freerolls at PokerStars.Fun special events and merchandise giveaways monthly for all membersThat's not all..... we have much more to give away in our members only forum...Get access to our members only forums and freeroll invitesNew to cardschat?Want To Win More Money, Play Like A Pro & Stop Making Novice Mistakes?If the answer's yes then join forFREE to become a poker expert by learning from the pros and access the internet's biggest collection of poker strategy threads, compiled by hundreds of thousands of online poker players. You can't afford not to sign up now!Poker reviewsPoker strategy€14,000+ FreerollsThe best bonusesShow me how to win more money nowLatest NewsPokerGO Will Stream 21 WSOP Final Tables, All Two-Weeks of Main EventBob Pajich | May 6th, 2022PokerGO announced it will be live-streaming the final tables of 21 WSOP events this year, as well as providing full coverage of the 14-day Main Event�that starts JulyHustler Casino Bans Two Players for Poker Room Fight (Caught on Video)Kevin Taylor | May 6th, 2022Verbal altercations are fairly common in casino cash game areas, but an incident that included flying fists -- and furniture -- turned the Hustler Casino in Gardena,$150 Million GGPoker Online Championship Underway with Record-Breaking GuaranteeDaniel Smyth | May 6th, 2022With the summer tournament season fast approaching, GGPoker is getting into the spirit with a new series offering a record-breaking $150 million guarantee.The GGLatest PostsNewWould you play AA in the bubble?71 RepliesPosted By vapandreiToday, 11:27 AMin General PokerNewWhat's the optimal or best time to late register?22 RepliesPosted By niphon56Today, 11:23 AMin General PokerNewWhen A Password Error Occurs...2 RepliesPosted By 0546474Today, 11:11 AMin General PokerNewroyal flush!27 RepliesPosted By 0546474Today, 11:01 AMin General PokerNewWhich poker opponents are you afraid of and why?66 RepliesPosted By barbadosToday, 10:52 AMin General PokerNewAnxiety18 RepliesPosted By 0546474Today, 10:43 AMin General PokerNewHow do you rate the level of Cardschat players?29 RepliesPosted By 0546474Today, 10:22 AMin General PokerNew$3.30 NLHE MTT: I was confused on every street. Tear me apart.1 RepliesPosted By fundiver199Today, 9:18 AMin Tournament Hand AnalysisHot ThreadsHotWould you play AA in the bubble?71 RepliesPosted By vapandreiToday, 11:27 AMin General PokerHotWhich poker opponents are you afraid of and why?66 RepliesPosted By barbadosToday, 10:52 AMin General PokerHotTells in online Poker31 RepliesPosted By pontvadaszToday, 8:14 AMin Learning PokerHotCommon mistakes I/You see in the CC freeroll players76 RepliesPosted By jaymfcToday, 3:21 AMin Tournament PokerHot$100 NLO 6-max: 3rd nut flush vs maniac5 RepliesPosted By WrongUsernameYesterday, 11:25 PMin Cash Game Hand AnalysisHotACR Thread14227 RepliesPosted By ScooperNovaYesterday, 9:24 PMin Poker RoomsHotDo you prefer to talk during the game?297 RepliesPosted By waizingpokerYesterday, 8:24 PMin General PokerHotPokerStars are suspending all services in Russia194 RepliesPosted By MrrrRockYesterday, 8:18 PMin Poker News and EventsJOIN OUR COMMUNITY FOR FREEGet access to our members only forums and freeroll invitesCardsChat Freerolls Available At Each LevelBronze LevelSilver LevelPlatinum LevelGGPoker $100 Freerolls(Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays; Restrictions Apply)PokerStars $100 Freeroll(Saturdays)888poker Daily Freerolls(Bronze on Mondays & Fridays)PokerStars $200 Freeroll(Monthly) PokerStars $1K Monthly Freebuy for BRAZILIAN Players(Deposit Required)PokerStars $1k Monthly Freebuy & $300 Wkly Freeroll for German Players(Deposit Required)In addition to the games listed for Bronze members, Silver Level members get access to:PokerStars $100 Freeroll(Fridays) 888poker Daily Freerolls(Silver on Sundays & Wednesdays) In addition to the games listed for Bronze and Silver members, Platinum members get access to:PokerStars Daily Freerolls(Sunday-Thursday)PokerStars $300 Weekend Freerolls(Saturdays & Sundays)PokerStars $1000 Monthly Freeroll(2nd Saturday of the month)888poker Daily Freerolls(Platinum on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays)Our ForumsPoker DiscussionPostsThreadsPostsLatest ThreadsGeneral Poker23 ViewingGeneral Poker discussions that don't involve poker news, online poker, strategy, poker rooms, brags, beats or challenges. Some examples are poker lifestyles, poker players, and poker variants.21,648508,884Would you play AA in the...by vapandreiToday 11:27 AMPoker News and Events3 ViewingNews and headlines from the poker world, poker legislation, major event coverage and updates. You can also post opinions and insights here.2,36354,679Watching hockey and sending a...by Acadien07Today 1:56 AMOnline Poker9 ViewingSub-ForumsPoker Software & ToolsDiscuss all aspects of playing poker online for example hardware, table selection and preferences, etc. Twitch, YouTube and other streaming threads can go here. Threads about specific poker sites should go in the Poker Rooms forum.4,74880,296What do I do????by zipocoolYesterday 9:54 PMPoker Rooms18 ViewingSub-ForumsPoker Deposits & WithdrawalsAsk questions and talk about specific online poker rooms in this section, for example PokerStars, Unibet, ACR and others.22,756289,618ACR Threadby ScooperNovaYesterday 9:24 PMLive Poker4 ViewingDiscuss live poker rooms and your live poker experiences in this forum. Live events should be posted in Poker News and Events.1,53120,3602022 WSOP Poll - Your Opinion...by BelFishToday 8:28 AMPoker StrategyPostsThreadsPostsLatest ThreadsCash Games18 ViewingSub-ForumsCash Game Hand AnalysisDiscuss both online and live cash game poker strategy for Texas Hold'em poker games, Omaha, Stud etc here.24,292340,648$10 NLHE 6-max: 3bet to loose?by AcesUTGFoldToday 1:34 AMTournament Poker11 ViewingSub-ForumsTournament Hand AnalysisDiscuss both online and live strategy related to MTT and SNG's here.20,744297,470$3.30 NLHE MTT: I was...by fundiver199Today 9:18 AMLearning Poker9 ViewingBeginners' corner for basic questions, general strategy and anything related to learning poker.12,857199,375Tells in online Pokerby pontvadaszToday 8:14 AMOur EventsPostsThreadsPostsLatest ThreadsCardsChat Freerolls Members Only6 ViewingThis section is for all discussion and announcements related to our exclusive freerolls.14,140355,163Register to ViewCardsChat Special Events & Buy-ins Members OnlyHome of the legendary Guys vs Gals, Headsup Championship, exclusive buy-ins and more!6,021171,899Register to ViewCardsChat League Members OnlyThis forum is for league announcements, events and discussions.4,262287,131Register to ViewGeneral DiscussionPostsThreadsPostsLatest ThreadsCommunity Hangout Members Only3 ViewingGeneral conversation, share interests, have a laugh, chat or discuss anything not related to the other forums.23,833555,851Register to ViewNew Members Corner Members OnlyA place for our new members to gather and learn about CardsChat!1127,441Register to ViewLooking to play in one of the CardsChat Freerolls?Last year we gave more than $200,000.00 away in prizes and promotions ...DebiCardsChat Forum AdministratorSHOW ME HOW TO GET FREEROLLS NOWJOIN FOR FREE NOW TO START LEARNING FROM THE PROS €13000 MONTHLY PRIZES 60+ REVIEWS 125+ POKER STRATEGY ARTICLES & SO MUCH MORE...TAKE ME TO THE FREE & QUICK REGISTRATIONGet exclusive advice from Poker Pro Ryan LaPlanteRyan has made 6 WSOP Final Tables andcashed for more than $4,000,000between online and live tournamentsLargest Scores$190k - 2016 WSOP Gold Bracelet Win$162k - 2017 WSOP 2nd Place$161k - 2017 Wynn Chop$113k - 2014 WSOP Final Table$82k - 2017 PH Chop$60k - 2015 HPT Final Table$56k - 2012 WSOP Final Table$51k - 2011 WSOP Final Table$46k - 2015 PH Win$40k - 2014 SCOOP Final Table$37k - 2018 Wynn 2nd Place$36k - 2016 Bellagio Win$31k - 2017 Goliath Win$27k - 2016 VDS Chop$25k - 2015 WSOPC Final TablePOKER REVIEWSPOKER REVIEWSReviews and rankings from online poker pros and thousands of forum members make it easy to find the web's best poker sitesLEARN MOREPOKER STRATEGYPOKER STRATEGYRefine your poker game with our articles, poker odds guide and odds calculator all found in our strategy sectionLEARN MOREFREE TOURNAMENTSFREE TOURNAMENTSPlay for free, win real money. Become a member of the CardsChat forum to access exclusive freerolls and online poker games & tournamentsLEARN MOREGET THE MOBILE APPPOKER GUIDESLooking for the best poker site to play real money games online? Check out our reviews of the best online poker sites and places to play on the Internet, like 888, Full Tilt, PokerStars, PartyPoker and many more. Play safely, play profitably. All of the top poker sites are discussed and reviewed right here on CardsChat. For a large number of these online poker rooms, CardsChat lists exclusive bonuses, tournaments and freerolls for new players who sign up.GUIDE TO POKER BONUSESLearn how to get your exclusive and free poker site's welcome bonus easily and simply with our guide.WHERE TO PLAYHere you'll find our recommendation on where to play online poker. Our team of industry experts review and rank the top rooms for you to choose from.REAL MONEY POKER GUIDEOur friendly poker forum members show you which real money poker sites offer plenty of traffic, great bonuses, and solid customer support.FREE TOURNAMENTSPlay online with no risk at all! Use our guide to the best freeroll poker sites to find which ones give away the most money in free tournaments.PLAY POKER ON YOUR MOBILENot all poker sites offer mobile play. Luckily we've researched the best mobile poker apps that will work on your cell phone and tablet, compatible with Apple, Android and more.POKER ODDS CALCULATORExplore your odds of winning with our exclusive calculator & upgrade your online poker play. Fold less before the flop and you'll know exactly what to do with your next hand.ABOUT THE CARDSCHAT POKER FORUM Launched in 2004364,846 Members4,478,706 Posts332,418 ThreadsWelcome to CardsChat.com, the best online poker forums for learning and playing your favourite game. Featuring site reviews, bonuses like our Full Tilt Poker bonus offer and a PokerStars marketing code plus: articles, constant discussion in the poker forums and free tips from hundreds of thousands of players all over the world. We provide everything you need to learn how to play, refine, and master one of the world's most popular card games.With our comprehensive online poker games resources, the CardsChat discussion forum can turn you from an average Joe into a pro in no time at all. Find out about the best poker sites using our website reviews section, find out which hand wins with our top 10 poker hands ranking, refine your game with our strategy articles, poker odds guide and odds calculator or chat about playing the game in our poker forum. You can win real money by playing in our exclusive tournaments, freerolls and online poker games, often with a lot of added money in the prizepool. CARDSCHAT.COM - YOUR ONLINE POKER FORUM! If you're from Europe, Canada or a UK player who's interested in more information about gambling like live poker games, tournaments and places to play online - check out the guides here at CardsChat.HERE'S WHAT OUR MEMBERS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT CARDSCHATIt's full of a ton of great peopleMatt Vaughn ("Scourrge")They're going to be very welcoming to youRyan Laplante ("Protential")Everybody wants to help everybody out, the knowledgeable players want to help the new players outPam McCormick ("PooffyFooffy")The freerolls were pretty enticing to people looking to get in and learn pokerCarl DiVeglia III ("Carl Trooper")All the promotions and events...it's crazyMatt Vaughn ("Scourrge")You kinda get a feel for how other people play, and then you can see what works and what doesn't work and adapt it to your gameCarl DiVeglia III ("Carl Trooper")AS SEEN ONFAQsWhere can I find poker freeroll passwords?Find freeroll passwords to PokerStars, Unibet, 888poker and more via theFreeroll Passwords forum thread. All CardsChat members can participate in these freerolls from the moment they sign up. To become eligible for even more exclusive freerolls, check out theCardsChat Silver Level & Platinum Freeroll Club Password Access Requirements forum thread.A freeroll is a poker tournament with no entry fee and is hugely popular among the CardsChat community!Where can I learn about poker?Learn about poker with help from the friendly CardsChat community via theLearning Poker forum. It has threads covering everything from poker abbreviations, to building from a small bankroll. Post a comment or question and get involved!Where can I find the latest poker news?The Poker News forum threads help you keep up to date with the latest changes and updates in the poker world. Chat with the community about major poker events, poker legislation, general poker headlines and more.Where can I discuss poker strategies?Discuss cash game strategies with the CardsChat community in theCash Games forum threads and tournament strategies in the Tournament Poker forum threads. Chat about topics such as position play, bankroll management and table selection. There are even threads that allow you to ask poker experts, such as Ryan Laplante, specific strategy questions.Where can I share my poker experiences?For discussion on more general non-strategy poker topics, check out theGeneral Poker forum.CardsChat is an online poker community of364,846 members in 190 countriesAbout UsContact UsSitemapPrivacy PolicyTerms & ConditionsResponsible GamblingWhy more than 364,846 poker players have joined CardsChatQuickly improve your gameLearn from online prosAccess private freerollsBECOME A MEMBER“The World's Most Helpful Poker Community”ACCESS EXCLUSIVE BONUSESAND TOURNAMENTSWe recommend sites proven safe and secure with #safe-secure-sites { float: left; } .DMCA-logo-btn { text-indent: 10px; margin-top: 22px; margin-bottom: 0; } All original site contents ©CardsChat.com 2004 - 2022 | Reproduction is prohibitedPoker: PokerStars888 PokerReal MoneyUKNZCanadaCanadienIndiaMobileiPhoneAndroidPaypalHandsOddsCasinosGambling Hello