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2022-05-14 10:36:14

Blog |Git |Releases |Gopherhole | Feeds |PGP |MailPosts2022-03-232FA TOTP without crappy authenticator apps2021-10-23Setup an OpenBSD RISCV64 VM in QEMU2020-06-25Sfeed_curses: a curses UI front-end for sfeed2019-11-10hurl: HTTP, HTTPS and Gopher file grabber2019-10-13json2tsv: a JSON to TSV converter2019-04-24OpenBSD: setup a local auto-installation server2019-02-10Idiotbox: Youtube interface2018-08-17Gopher HTTP proxy2018-03-10Setup your own file paste service2018-02-25Setup your own git hosting service2017-12-11Setup an OpenBSD SPARC64 VM in QEMU2017-09-24Tscrape: a Twitter scraper2017-09-24jsdatatable: a small datatable Javascript2017-08-04Stagit-gopher: a static git page generator for gopher2017-06-10Saait: a boring HTML page generator2017-05-10Stagit: a static git page generator2015-07-05OpenBSD httpd, slowcgi and cgit2014-11-23twitch: application to watch Twitch streams2014-03-02Userscript: focus input field2013-02-21Userscript: Youtube circumvent age verification2012-10-21Userscript: block stupid fonts2011-04-01Sfeed: simple RSS and Atom parser2011-01-07Vim theme: relaxed2010-10-31Seturgent: set urgency hints for X applications2010-10-31GTK2 theme: gtk-murrine-rape2010-08-12DWM-hiltjo: my windowmanager configuration2010-04-21Query unused CSS rules on current document state2009-07-05Driconf: enabling S3 texture compression on Linux2009-04-13Getting the USB-powerline bridge to work on Linux2009-04-12Gothic 1 game guide