Pluralsight + Code School: Code Courses | Pluralsight
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2022-05-04 02:41:15

Platform Ways to upskillCoursesSkill assessments LabsNEWHands-on learningCertification prepLive ClassesTeam efficiencySkills forSoftware developmentIT opsInfo & cyber securityCloud computingMachine learning / AIData professionalSee our entire course libraryTop Trending PathsPathMicrosoft Azure Deployment4 Courses7 HoursSkill IQ availableGet your Skill IQPathAWS Operations7 Courses14 HoursSkill IQ availableGet your Skill IQPathCleaning Data with R5 Courses9 HoursSkill IQ availableGet your Skill IQPathCore Python24 Courses44 HoursSkill IQ availableGet your Skill IQPathRuby Language Fundamentals7 Courses13 HoursSkill IQ availableGet your Skill IQSee our entire course libraryProducts Build tech skills to drive resultsWhat is Skills?View plansGet insights into your workflowWhat is Flow?View plansResources LearnBlogCustomer storiesResource centerGuidesApp downloadSupportConnectEventsWebinarsPodcastPodcastsAll Hands on TechPerspectives in Leadership2022 Tech Forecast and Build Better BlueprintPrepare for shifts and trends in the industryCheck it out @media screen and (max-width: 380px) {.tech-forecast {background:none !important;}} For IndividuaIsSign in Sign in withSkills Sign inSign in withFlow Sign inTry for free×body.mode-disabled .site-wrap{display:none;}Already a Code School subscriber?Your Code School experience has been automatically moved to the Pluralsight platform. If you are an individual Code School subscriber, please log in.Log inIf you are a Code School teams subscriber, please contact [email protected] to access your account.Contact supportAlready a Code School subscriber?Your Code School experience has been automatically moved to the Pluralsight platform. If you are an individual Code School subscriber, please log in.Log inIf you are a Code School teams subscriber, please contact [email protected] to access your account.Contact supportCode School + PluralsightCodeSchool.com is now Pluralsight. Grow your skills with experiences like assessments, paths, code courses and expert-led content on today’s most in-demand technologies. Start a 10-day FREE trialStart a team trialSkill assessmentsValidate your skills and uncover knowledge gaps in five minutes or less.PathsGet rid of the guesswork and save time by learning the right skills in the right order.ChannelsOrganize the content that matters to you most and reach learning goals faster.  CoursesDevelop new skills with thousands of on-demand courses by industry experts.In as little as five minutes and 20 questions, you can identify your knowledge gaps and strengths with our skill assessments.Your Skill IQ will tell you where to start within a learning path, so you can develop the skills you need most and not waste time on what you already know.Get your Skill IQ Stay relevant with expert-led coursesFeaturedCloud ComputingFeaturedMachine Learning / AISoftware DevelopmentWeb DevelopmentMobile DevelopmentJavaScriptC#PythonNode.jsView more >IT OpsIT CertificationsSecurityDatabase AdministrationVirtualizationIT NetworkingServersView more >Information & Cyber Security Security CertificationsSecurity FundamentalsSecurity AuditingPenetration TestingDigital ForensicsMalware AnalysisView more >Data professionalBusiness professionalCreative professionalArchitecture & constructionManufacturing & designBrowse all coursesTake the guesswork out of learning with pathsPathAngular18 Courses67 HoursSkill IQ availableGet your Skill IQPathC# Development Fundamentals16 Courses39 HoursSkill IQ availableGet your Skill IQView all Pluralsight paths »What is Pluralsight?Your career is defined by what you know and how well you know it.With our platform, you can benchmark and prove your knowledge, keep up with emerging trends and build in-demand skills in areas like DevOps, machine learning, cloud, security and infrastructure. Learn more Helping thousands of organizations build tech skills at scalePush the limits of what's possible. Today.Start a 10-day FREE trialStart a team trialTRANSFORM YOUR BUSINESS AT SCALETest drive the platform 70% of the Fortune 500 rely on to build technology skills at scaleBenchmark skills across your organization with skill assessmentsSee if you have the right people on the projects with Role IQUpskill your teams in critical areas like DevOps, machine learning, cloud, security, infrastructure and more Fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch to set up your team pilot.Start a pilot 1015Redirect Link #ps_pilot { background:rgba(0,0,0,0.9); bottom:0; display:none; left:0; opacity:0; overflow:scroll; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch; -moz-overflow-scrolling:touch; -ms-overflow-scrolling:touch; -o-overflow-scrolling:touch; overflow-scrolling:touch; position:fixed; right:0; transition:opacity 0.7s ease; top:0; z-index:99999; } .mode-edit #ps_pilot { display:block; opacity:1; position:relative; } #ps_pilot.ps_pilot_active { opacity:1; } #ps_pilot .block--black { background-color:transparent !important; } #ps_pilot h2 { font-size:500; } #ps_pilot .ps_pilot_close_btn { position:fixed; top:10px; right:10px; width:50px; z-index:9999; cursor: pointer; } #ps_pilot .container { max-width:1280px; margin:0 auto; } #ps_pilot .list-comp ul { margin-left:0.5rem; } #ps_pilot .list-comp li { color:#AAA; font-size:18px; font-weight:100; text-indent:15px; } #ps_pilot .list-comp li:before { background:url(https://www.pluralsight.com/content/dam/pluralsight2/product/business_platform/[email protected]) no-repeat center center; background-size:15px 10px; content:""; height:27px; width:15px; } #ps_pilot form .mktoAsterix { color:#DE3636 !important; margin-right:4px; } #ps_pilot form input, #ps_pilot form textarea { background:#222; border:solid 1px #555; color:#fff !important; } #ps_pilot form label { color:#ccc !important; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; } #ps_pilot form select { background-color: #222; background-image: url(); background-size:24px 4px; border:solid 1px #555; color:#fff !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right; } #ps_pilot form button { background:#E82A89; margin-top:30px; } #ps_pilot .large-4 { text-align:center; } #ps_pilot .large-8 { display:none; } #ps_pilot form { margin:0 auto; } @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) { #ps_pilot .large-4{text-align:left;width:33.33333%;} #ps_pilot .large-8{display:block;padding:0 .9375rem !important;width:66.66667%;} #ps_pilot .large-3.columns{width:25%;} } Codeschool + PluralsightLooking for Tech Skills?CodeSchool.com is now Pluralsight. Grow your skills with experiences like assessments, paths and expert-led content on today’s most in-demand technologies. Start a 10-day free trialExisting users log in here >Top PathsTeams are currently skilling up inSee all paths /*Core*/.glide{position:relative;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box}.glide *{box-sizing:inherit}.glide__track{overflow:hidden}.glide__slides{position:relative;width:100%;list-style:none;backface-visibility:hidden;transform-style:preserve-3d;touch-action:pan-Y;overflow:hidden;padding:0;white-space:nowrap;display:flex;flex-wrap:nowrap;will-change:transform}.glide__slides--dragging{user-select:none}.glide__slide{width:100%;height:100%;flex-shrink:0;white-space:normal;user-select:none;-webkit-touch-callout:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent}.glide__slide a{user-select:none;-webkit-user-drag:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none}.glide__arrows{-webkit-touch-callout:none;user-select:none}.glide__bullets{-webkit-touch-callout:none;user-select:none}.glide--rtl{direction:rtl}/*Theme*/.glide__arrow{position:absolute;display:block;top:50%;z-index:2;color:white;text-transform:uppercase;padding:9px 12px;background-color:transparent;border:2px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.5);border-radius:4px;box-shadow:0 0.25em 0.5em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);text-shadow:0 0.25em 0.5em rgba(0,0,0,0.1);opacity:1;cursor:pointer;transition:opacity 150ms ease, border 300ms ease-in-out;transform:translateY(-50%);line-height:1}.glide__arrow:focus{outline:none}.glide__arrow:hover{border-color:white}.glide__arrow--left{left:2em}.glide__arrow--right{right:2em}.glide__arrow--disabled{opacity:0.33}.glide__bullets{position:absolute;z-index:2;bottom:2em;left:50%;display:inline-flex;list-style:none;transform:translateX(-50%)}.glide__bullet{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5);width:9px;height:9px;padding:0;border-radius:50%;border:2px solid transparent;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;cursor:pointer;line-height:0;box-shadow:0 0.25em 0.5em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);margin:0 0.25em}.glide__bullet:focus{outline:none}.glide__bullet:hover,.glide__bullet:focus{border:2px solid white;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)}.glide__bullet--active{background-color:white}.glide--swipeable{cursor:grab;cursor:-moz-grab;cursor:-webkit-grab}.glide--dragging{cursor:grabbing;cursor:-moz-grabbing;cursor:-webkit-grabbing}/* Custom*/.glider-paths { position: relative; 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}.mit .title2, .mit .text-4 { text-shadow: 0 0 40px rgba(0,0,0,1); }.mit .text-4 { font-size: 18px !important; }@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .mit-tile.generic-block-wrapper.generic-block--six-hundred { min-height: 450px; } .mit-tile .large-12.columns { max-width: 420px !important; }}@media only screen and (min-width: 1400px) { .mit-tile .large-12.columns { max-width: 75% !important; }}@media only screen and (min-width: 2000px) { .mit-tile .large-12.columns { max-width: 55% !important; }} INTRODUCINGFlow gives you visibility into your team’s workflow so you can deliver software faster.Learn more about FlowINTRODUCINGFlow gives you visibility into your team’s workflow so you can deliver software faster.Learn more about FlowDeliver on your cloud strategyUpskill your teams into modern cloud roles with the technology skills platform.BrowseDeliver on your cloud strategyUpskill your teams into modern cloud roles with the technology skills platform.Browse #mit_ ~ .mit .large-6.columns { padding: 0 !important; }.mit .title2, .mit .text-4 { text-shadow: 0 0 40px rgba(0,0,0,1); }.mit .text-4 { font-size: 18px !important; }@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .mit-tile.generic-block-wrapper.generic-block--six-hundred { min-height: 450px; } .mit-tile .large-12.columns { max-width: 420px !important; }}@media only screen and (min-width: 1400px) { .mit-tile .large-12.columns { max-width: 75% !important; }}@media only screen and (min-width: 2000px) { .mit-tile .large-12.columns { max-width: 55% !important; }} INTRODUCINGFlow gives you visibility into your team’s workflow so you can deliver software faster.Learn more about FlowINTRODUCINGFlow gives you visibility into your team’s workflow so you can deliver software faster.Learn more about FlowDeliver on your cloud strategyUpskill your teams into modern cloud roles with the technology skills platform.BrowseDeliver on your cloud strategyUpskill your teams into modern cloud roles with the technology skills platform.BrowseFuture-proof your skillsStart a FREE 10-day trialReady to skill upyour entire team?10SubscriptionsNeed more subscriptions? Contact sales.Continue to checkoutContinue to checkoutCancelWith your Pluralsight plan, you can:With your 14-day pilot, you can: Access thousands of videos to develop critical skillsGive up to 10 users access to thousands of video coursesPractice and apply skills with interactive courses and projectsSee skills, usage, and trend data for your teamsPrepare for certifications with industry-leading practice examsMeasure proficiency across skills and rolesAlign learning to your goals with paths and channelsReady to skill upyour entire team?10SubscriptionsNeed more subscriptions? Contact sales.Continue to checkoutCancelWith your Pluralsight plan, you can:With your 14-day pilot, you can:Access thousands of videos to develop critical skillsGive up to 10 users access to thousands of video coursesPractice and apply skills with interactive courses and projectsSee skills, usage, and trend data for your teamsPrepare for certifications with industry-leading practice examsMeasure proficiency across skills and rolesAlign learning to your goals with paths and channelsSolutions Pluralsight SkillsPluralsight FlowGovernmentGift of PluralsightView PricingContact SalesSkill up for freePlatform Browse libraryRole IQSkill IQIrisAuthorsProfessional ServicesCompany About usCustomer storiesCareersBlogNewsroomResource centerGuidesResources Download PluralsightEventsTeachPartnersAffiliate PartnersPluralsightOne.orgSubscribeSupport ContactHelp centerIP allowlistSitemapDeutschEnglishFrenchCopyright © 2004 - 2022 Pluralsight LLC. 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