David B Hayes — @davidbhayes — Writer, Developer, Entrepeneur — Fort Collins, CO
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David B Hayes — @davidbhayes — Writer, Developer, Entrepeneur — Fort Collins, CO
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2022-06-11 05:59:34

"I love David B Hayes — @davidbhayes — Writer, Developer, Entrepeneur — Fort Collins, CO"

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2022-06-11 05:59:34

David B Hayes@davidbhayes — Writer, Developer, Entrepeneur — Fort Collins, COSummaryI’m a lucky man who does a lot of stuff. Quick hits: I run a site of free high-quality tutorials for people learning to do WordPress development called WPShout. We offer a few paid courses. I write about PHP and software development at Thoughtful Code. I’m the co-captain of Code for Fort Collins. I’m half of a boutique web consultancy called Press Up. I write (with Megan) about my favorite things about coffee at Low-Key Coffee Snobs. I’ve got a love for potent little phrases. Quotes, they’re often called. I keep a large catalog of them at Quodid. (The name comes from how the word “quoted” sounds when I and many other Americans I know say it.)You Can Find Me on Social Networks Twitter, where I make brief aphoristic statements and share articles I read Instagram, where I post photos of things I think look nice Github, where I sometimes release open-source software WordPress.org, where I mostly have some plugins MetaFilter, where I browse more than I comment Reddit, where I sometimes vote or comment Tumblr, where I infrequently add random thingsProjects Not Yet Mentioned I love WordPress, and I want people not to lose their sites for security reasons. So I create a course: WordPress Security with Confidence. Along with Fred, I authored best possible resource for people new to WordPress development. We take that statement quite seriously. It’s called Up and Running: A Practical Guide to WordPress Development. I’m a brigade leader for Code for Fort Collins, a volunteer organization trying to use technology to help our community. I made a class for Skillshare about WordPress Security. Check it out! MarkdownToHtml.co — My go-to Markdown-converting site disappeared. I hadn’t found an adequate replacement. So I made one. It uses Commonmark. Require Featured Image — A WordPress plugin I wrote, does what it says on the tin without a lot of complication. I’m a somewhat regular speaker on PHP, WordPress, and other technology topics. Slides, etc. I believe that meditation is a great thing. To serve the goal of helping others realize that and do it more, I own a meditation tracking service called Medivate. BeautyOfWhatYouLove.com — A micro-site for one of my favorite quotes. Link Banana — Now basically retired, I kept a log of all the cool things I found on the internet for nearly five years. The time commitment eventually overwhelmed my desire to keep doing it.Some Random Facts about Me I think that “marshmallow” is quite possibly the best word in the entire English language. (Though I don’t much like them as a food.) I believe in the Four Noble Truths, the wisdom of compassion, and many other Buddhist things. Whether or not that means I’m a Buddhist is still an open question for me. I highly recommend you host things with SiteGround. Here’s my business partner explaining why. I still think my Twitter favorites are probably a good way for you to quickly understand who I am and what I value. I’m pretty introverted, but don’t think that’s a good excuse for failing to be nice to people. I’ve used it — and see others use it — as such a shield too much. I’ve long believed that fiction never got better than The Little Prince.