The DevOps Checklist
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Form a better understanding of DevOps and your delivery ecosystem through following the DevOps Checklist by Steve Pereira - design courtesy of Aaron Legaspi and Amit Jakhu of Myplanet.
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The DevOps Checklist
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2022-05-14 17:08:39

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2022-05-14 17:08:39

The DevOps Checklist This checklist is comprised of 48 items you can use to gauge the maturity of your software delivery competency, and form a baseline to measure your future improvements. It's not meant to say "you're failing DevOps" or deprive you of a badge (make yourself a badge just for reading this!), but surface areas of potential improvement. The content here is based on many case studies, talks and content on DevOps, collected over the past 5 years - you can see some of the highlights down in the 'References' section. We're also continually adding more context and content - so tweet @SteveElsewhere or email us if you have suggestions, disagree, have a question or want more info! Filter by: All Culture Sharing Automation Measurement Testing Tweet That’s it! Thank you for using the DevOps Checklist to evaluate your team! We hope you begin to form a better understanding of the art and benefits of DevOps focus through using the checklist and feel free to contribute back by submitting some of your ideas: Submit feedback Sign up for updates! Get Myplanet's free DevOps Results report when you sign up. Get updates about new features, checklist data reports, and our regular newsletter about empowering your organization to perform. References 10+ Deploys a Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery The Phoenix Project DevOpsDays Conferences DevOps Weekly Scrum Guides Myplanet's IxD Checklist Dimensions of the Learning Organization Deming's Fourteen Points of Management Podcasts We Recommend DevOps Cafe The Ship Show Food Fight Arrested DevOps HangOps Author Steve Pereira Twitter A project by Join our merry band of designers, technologists, business folk and shameless pug lovers. Your checklist has been reset. Your checklist has been filtered.