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2022-05-04 08:54:54

"I love gekk"

www.gekk.info VS www.gqak.com

2022-05-04 08:54:54

homepage of GravisMy name is Gravis. This is my personal website. I am interested in old computers more than new ones.my articlesThe bulk of my work is in a number of long-form articles I've written on a variety of subjects. Please check them out.projectsVintage Gaming LaptopMy on-line diary (largely abandoned)My Youtube channel about electronics & other thingsMy Twitch channel: Gravis Plays The ClassicsRuined BrandscomputerVisual SubnetsSIP PingMisc. Programmingsilly toysarp goggleszalgo (better)ID Badge GeneratorEve CalendarscriptsAchewood Assistant ?Achewood means a lot to me and I read the entire archive periodically. I think you should too, so this is a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script that makes reading Achewood a little easier.Left or right arrow keys will navigate to previous/next comic, and the alt text appears above and below the strip.filessix mile hill ? six mile hill is a band I found on mp3.com back in the early 2000s. they don't seem to exist anymore so I decided to preserve the songs I'd saved, which I felt were really pretty good.cellophane skyfirst song of summernowherejaunt ? xm / mp3I found this MP3 on another personal site back in 2003. many years later I found the .xm. it's always been a song that spoke to me.NT 3.51 ExecutablesIt turns out that a lot of the tools included with Windows NT 3.51 run fine even in Windows 10. I uploaded the ones that I tested that work and seem useful or fun.MIDIsI play a lot of really old Windows games on my retro streams, and whenever there's good jams on the midi soundtrack I upload the MIDIs here. Recommend a good soundfont.