Gourmet Boutique - Virtual Chocolate Tastings | Team Building Events
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Gourmet Boutique - Virtual Chocolate Tastings | Team Building Events
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2022-10-15 03:58:00

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} .announcement__text, .announcement__text.rte a { color: #ffffff; } .announcement__text.rte a { border-color: #ffffff; } FREE GROUND SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS OVER $100 | PROMO: GIFT CARD WITH ANY VIRTUAL TASTING BOOKING AND SENSORY EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES | FREE WARM WEATHER PACKING .header, .nav__sub-wrap, .nav__sub-t-wrap { background-color: #ffffff; } .nav__sub-wrap:after { border-bottom-color: #ffffff; } .header--light .nav__sub__link.selected, .header--light .nav__sub__link:hover, .header--light .nav__sub__item--sub:hover .nav__sub__link, .header--light .nav__sub-t__link:hover { background-color: #ffffff; } .header--dark .nav__sub__link.selected, .header--dark .nav__sub__link:hover, .header--dark .nav__sub__item--sub:hover .nav__sub__link, .header--dark .nav__sub-t__link:hover { background-color: #f2f2f2; } .js-is-sticky .header {border-bottom: 1px solid #e4e4e4} .shopify-section-header { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; } :root { --header-is-sticky: 1; ; } .header, .header__logo, .header-trigger { height: 150px; 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Not only did she fit us in last minute before the holidays but she picked some incredible tea and chocolate options for us which all of us LOVED! Gourmet Boutique has an amazing selection and I would highly recommend them for your virtual tasting needs! Zaynah Z Google What a wonderful experience! Anya led a virtual tea and chocolate pairing event with a small group and knocked it out of the park. Yes - virtual! Even though we could not be in person, Anya is so passionate, fun, interesting and knowledgeable, she captivated everyone! You will want to experience your this for yourself!! Cindy H Nestle Such a unique experience and loved the variety of interesting flavors. I especially enjoyed the background of chocolate making, the anatomy of the cocoa plant, and how to take what we learned to our friends and family. Anya was a great host and I look forward to doing this again! Mario C E & Y Anya was amazing and lead a virtual tasting for our large corporate group. She managed logistics, ensured timely delivery, dealt through several bad snowstorms and did this all with grace. She did a terrific virtual session (not easy to do virtually with such a large corporate group). The team was incredibly happy and her passion for chocolate shines through. Thank you Anya for your talent! Nelly K IBM Quick Links About Us Contact Us Virtual Tasting Room Blog Shipping & Returns Corporate Gifts and Gifting Corporate Events Virtual Events Virtual Chocolate Events Customer Reviews Locations FAQ Terms of Service Refund policy Virtual Chocolate Tastings Bookings 1. Chat with us2. Call (781) 367 56293. Email: [email protected] Private Virtual Events 10 Great Team Building Events for 2022 Virtual Chocolate Tastings Virtual Tea and Chocolate Tastings Virtual Wine and Chocolate Tastings Virtual Tastings for Families Virtual Chocolate Education Virtual Caviar Tastings Corporate Events | Private Parties Buy Chocolate Tasting Kits Meet Our Virtual Tasting Educators Virtual Event Ideas 2022 Wine | Whiskey | Bourbon - Pairing Experiences with Chocolate © 2022, Gourmet Boutique Close (esc) Popup Use this popup to embed a mailing list sign up form. Alternatively use it as a simple call to action with a link to a product or a page. Age verification By clicking enter you are verifying that you are old enough to consume alcohol. Enter Search Main Menu HOME VIRTUAL TASTINGS VIRTUAL WINE & CHOCOLATE TASTINGS IN-PERSON TASTINGS CLIENT ENGAGEMENT CORPORATE GIFTS GIFT BASKETS CHOCOLATE MACARONS SWEETS TEAS CAVIAR Shopping Cart Your cart is currently empty. Shop now