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EnglishContactsInternational GrantThornton dans le monde GrantThornton Qui sommes-nous? Nos Associés Nos métiers Nos Secteurs d'activités Nos Clients Témoignent Actualités et évènements Votre carrière Contacts The Resilience Wheel: where to focus your business in stressed or distressed conditions With the rising impact of COVID-19 being seen worldwide, all industries will face significant disruption to their supply chain, workforce and cashflow. The right response will depend on the specific circumstances you and your business face. However, when experiencing significant stress or distress, we recommend you focus everything you do around the management of cash.En savoir plus Women in business 2020 Putting the Blueprint into actionEn savoir plus Un chiffre d’affaires global de 5,72 milliards USD en 2019 GrantThorntonInternational Ltd a annoncé un chiffre d'affaires global de 5,72 milliards USD pour l'exercice clos le 30 septembre 2019, en hausse de 5,1% par rapport à 2018. Ce résultat représente une croissance de 6,4% en devises constantes *. En savoir plus Say goodbye to the arm’s length principle The G20 has endorsed The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD’S) roadmap for resolving the ‘tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy’ (BEPS Action Plan One) and is committed to working toward a consensus-based long-term solution by the end of 2020. En savoir plus Cybersecurity: shifting impacts Senior leaders have seen significant change in the past two years in how cyber incidents are affecting their businesses. With attacks becoming increasingly sophisticated, one of the biggest challenges for companies is to measure these often intangible impacts in real terms.Learn more Top 50 global employer for diversity and inclusion GrantThornton is a top 50 global employer for diversity and inclusion (D&I), according to a new index developed by Universum.More than 247,000 business and engineering/IT students rated GrantThornton against three attributes: support for gender equality, commitment to diversity & inclusion and respect for its people.Their perception of GrantThornton, against these three categories, places the network 28th in the list, alongside some of the world’s most well-known and respected global brands. IFRS News - Q4 2019 En savoir plus Focusing on international employee compliance For many businesses, international expansion and growth brings new opportunities across new markets. However, managing an internationally mobile workforce can pose significant challenges in effectively tracking where employees are working. In turn, these challenges complicate the tax and reporting obligations that arise across a diverse employee population working across borders.Learn more Checklist for international growth Expanding your company overseas is never easy, but the benefits can be great. Our nine-point checklist gives you the tools to create a robust international strategy. En savoir plus Insights into IFRS 16 In January 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued IFRS 16 ‘Leasing’, which represents the first major overhaul in lease accounting for over 30 years.The Standard brings fundamental changes to lease accounting that replace previous accounting that is considered no longer fit for purpose. These changes become effective from 1 January 2019. En savoir plus Global transfer pricing guide 2018 International taxation is undergoing the biggest shake-up for a generation. The already complex world of transfer pricing is at the front and centre of these disruptive changes, both in the rules that govern it and in the heightened scrutiny it now faces.Learn more BEPS: Seeing the big strategic picture Discover the brave new world of transfer pricing after BEPS.Download Une Approche sur mesure GrantThornton, groupe leader d’Audit et de Conseil, est présent dans plus de 135 pays et rassemble plus de 56000 collaborateurs à l’échelle mondiale.Au Gabon, Delta GrantThornton, société d’expertise comptable agréée CEMAC n°SEC61, vous accompagnera grâce à une large gamme de services à forte valeur ajoutée: Audit et de Commissariat aux Comptes, de Conseil en Organisation, de Conseil Financier, d’Expertise Conseil et d’Outsourcing, et de Conseil Juridique, Fiscal, Social. Découvrez comment Delta GrantThornton Delta GrantThornton, société d’expertise comptable agréée CEMAC n°SEC61 se positionne comme un cabinet leader sur son marché, en offrant des services d’Audit et de Commissariat aux Comptes, de Conseil en Organisation, de Conseil Financier, d’Expertise Conseil et d’Outsourcing, et de Conseil Juridique, Fiscal et Social, et ce, depuis près de 35ans d’exercice au Gabon. En savoir plus GrantThornton Gabon (Delta GrantThornton) PublicationsIFRS Q4 2019(183,37 Ko) Télécharger le PDF»IFRS Q3 2019(411,94 Ko) Télécharger le PDF»Thriving in 2019’s global economy(1,22 Mo) Télécharger le PDF» Toutes les publications Notre Identité À propos de GrantThornton Gabon (Delta GrantThornton) Delta GrantThornton, société d’expertise comptable agréée CEMAC n° SEC 61 se positionne comme un cabinet leader sur son marché, en offrant des services d'Audit et de Commissariat aux Comptes, de Conseil en Organisation, de Conseil Financier, d'Expertise Conseil et d'Outsourcing, et de Conseil Juridique, Fiscal et Social, et ce, depuis près de 35 ans d'exercice au Gabon.GrantThornton accompagne les entreprises dynamiques (sociétés cotées, entreprises publiques et privées) pour leur permettre de libérer leur potentiel de Croissance.Nos relations de proximité avec nos clients, clé de voûte de notre identité sont un gage de succès auquel nous sommes très attachés: nous aspirons à continuellement améliorer la qualité de nos échanges.Au-delà d'un savoir-faire technique rigoureux, notre génome repose sur un socle de valeurs fortes fondant notre culture d’entreprise: la Collaboration, le Leadership, l’Excellence, l’Agilité, le Respect et la Responsabilité. Plan du site Qui sommes-nous? Nos Clients Témoignent Actualités Nos Métiers Evénements Nos Secteurs d'activités Votre Carrière Grant Thornton Gabon - All rights reserved Grant Thornton International is a non-practicing, international umbrella entity organised as a private company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales. References to "Grant Thornton" are to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms operate and refer to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered independently by the member firms, which are not responsible for the services or activities of one another. Grant Thornton International does not provide services to clients.