HTML corrector (HTML fixing tool). Makes HTML valid 🔧
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HTML corrector (HTML fixing tool). Makes HTML valid 🔧
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2022-06-19 10:17:31

"I love HTML corrector (HTML fixing tool). Makes HTML valid 🔧"

www.htmlcorrector.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-06-19 10:17:31

Home Share HTML corrector Makes a HTML document (or fragment) a valid one Need not just to correct a HTML, but also to clean it up?Try out HtmlWasher, a HTML cleanup tool Copy & pasteUpload What exactly does it do? Fixes or removes non-well formed tags and attributes (e.g. adds alt attributes to images if missing) Converts the markup to HTML5 (if it is XHTML for example) Reformats the HTML (line breaks, indents) Our other tools: More tools Punycode converter HTML cleanup tool HTML encoder URL encoder Guid generator Base64 encoder Hex encoder C/C++ string escaper C# string escaper AboutFacebookTwitter TermsPrivacy