Antistatic raised access Floor|Calcium Sulphate raised floor-HT Access Floor
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The major products of HT access floor are antistatic raised access floor, woodcore  raised floor,calcium sulphate raised floor,and so on. If you need antistatic raised access floor,woodcore raised floor,calcium sulphate raised floor, please contact us.
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Antistatic raised access Floor|Calcium Sulphate raised floor-HT Access Floor
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2022-05-17 06:39:13

"I love Antistatic raised access Floor|Calcium Sulphate raised floor-HT Access Floor"

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2022-05-17 06:39:13

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There is foaming cement fully filled, with corner-lock holes punched in four sides of the panel." ["pid"] => string(5) "41925" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1500" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(28) "OA Intelligent Network Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "522410" ["pro_description"] => string(384) "HT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The borders of the panel are trimmed with corner-lock holes. Trucking can be placed at any point without cutting floor, much easier for inspecting and repairing. Strong current and weak current can be separated, suitable for all kinds of wires and plug socket terminals." ["pid"] => string(5) "41919" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } } [1] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(3) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "HPL/PVC Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616563" ["pro_description"] => string(249) "HT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41920" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(39) "Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge Trim" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616641" ["pro_description"] => string(297) "HT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41935" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "Ceramic Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616557" ["pro_description"] => string(294) "HT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with antistatic ceramic finish(Marble, Granite). The borders are trimmed with black PVC edge trim. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41921" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS800-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } } } [2] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(32) "Antistatic Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616644" ["pro_description"] => string(272) "HT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density chipboard. The top surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conduct PVC or granite, the bottom is covered with aluminum foil or galvanized steel sheet. Four edges are sealed with black PVC edge trim." ["pid"] => string(5) "41922" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(34) "Encapsulated Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "116255" ["pro_description"] => string(203) "HT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrapped around by hot dipped galvanized steel. The top and bottom steel sheet is pressed and riveted, with high-density chipboard as the inside core." ["pid"] => string(5) "41923" ["pro_model"] => string(0) "" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } }}">600/610 OA Access FloorHT 600/610 OA Raised Access Floor is made of good quality co...array(3) { [0] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(23) "600/610 OA Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616600" ["pro_description"] => string(273) "HT 600/610 OA Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet, which is stretched, spot-welded, and coated with epoxy powder after having been phosphoreted. There is foaming cement fully filled, with corner-lock holes punched in four sides of the panel." ["pid"] => string(5) "41925" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1500" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(28) "OA Intelligent Network Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "522410" ["pro_description"] => string(384) "HT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The borders of the panel are trimmed with corner-lock holes. Trucking can be placed at any point without cutting floor, much easier for inspecting and repairing. Strong current and weak current can be separated, suitable for all kinds of wires and plug socket terminals." ["pid"] => string(5) "41919" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } } [1] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(3) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "HPL/PVC Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616563" ["pro_description"] => string(249) "HT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41920" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(39) "Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge Trim" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616641" ["pro_description"] => string(297) "HT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41935" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "Ceramic Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616557" ["pro_description"] => string(294) "HT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with antistatic ceramic finish(Marble, Granite). The borders are trimmed with black PVC edge trim. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41921" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS800-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } } } [2] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(32) "Antistatic Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616644" ["pro_description"] => string(272) "HT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density chipboard. The top surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conduct PVC or granite, the bottom is covered with aluminum foil or galvanized steel sheet. Four edges are sealed with black PVC edge trim." ["pid"] => string(5) "41922" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(34) "Encapsulated Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "116255" ["pro_description"] => string(203) "HT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrapped around by hot dipped galvanized steel. The top and bottom steel sheet is pressed and riveted, with high-density chipboard as the inside core." ["pid"] => string(5) "41923" ["pro_model"] => string(0) "" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } }}">OA Intelligent Network FloorHT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold...array(3) { [0] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(23) "600/610 OA Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616600" ["pro_description"] => string(273) "HT 600/610 OA Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet, which is stretched, spot-welded, and coated with epoxy powder after having been phosphoreted. There is foaming cement fully filled, with corner-lock holes punched in four sides of the panel." ["pid"] => string(5) "41925" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1500" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(28) "OA Intelligent Network Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "522410" ["pro_description"] => string(384) "HT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The borders of the panel are trimmed with corner-lock holes. Trucking can be placed at any point without cutting floor, much easier for inspecting and repairing. Strong current and weak current can be separated, suitable for all kinds of wires and plug socket terminals." ["pid"] => string(5) "41919" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } } [1] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(3) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "HPL/PVC Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616563" ["pro_description"] => string(249) "HT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41920" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(39) "Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge Trim" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616641" ["pro_description"] => string(297) "HT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41935" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "Ceramic Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616557" ["pro_description"] => string(294) "HT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with antistatic ceramic finish(Marble, Granite). The borders are trimmed with black PVC edge trim. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41921" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS800-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } } } [2] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(32) "Antistatic Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616644" ["pro_description"] => string(272) "HT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density chipboard. The top surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conduct PVC or granite, the bottom is covered with aluminum foil or galvanized steel sheet. Four edges are sealed with black PVC edge trim." ["pid"] => string(5) "41922" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(34) "Encapsulated Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "116255" ["pro_description"] => string(203) "HT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrapped around by hot dipped galvanized steel. The top and bottom steel sheet is pressed and riveted, with high-density chipboard as the inside core." ["pid"] => string(5) "41923" ["pro_model"] => string(0) "" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } }}">HPL/PVC Access FloorHT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-roll...array(3) { [0] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(23) "600/610 OA Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616600" ["pro_description"] => string(273) "HT 600/610 OA Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet, which is stretched, spot-welded, and coated with epoxy powder after having been phosphoreted. There is foaming cement fully filled, with corner-lock holes punched in four sides of the panel." ["pid"] => string(5) "41925" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1500" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(28) "OA Intelligent Network Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "522410" ["pro_description"] => string(384) "HT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The borders of the panel are trimmed with corner-lock holes. Trucking can be placed at any point without cutting floor, much easier for inspecting and repairing. Strong current and weak current can be separated, suitable for all kinds of wires and plug socket terminals." ["pid"] => string(5) "41919" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } } [1] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(3) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "HPL/PVC Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616563" ["pro_description"] => string(249) "HT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41920" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(39) "Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge Trim" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616641" ["pro_description"] => string(297) "HT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41935" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "Ceramic Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616557" ["pro_description"] => string(294) "HT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with antistatic ceramic finish(Marble, Granite). The borders are trimmed with black PVC edge trim. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41921" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS800-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } } } [2] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(32) "Antistatic Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616644" ["pro_description"] => string(272) "HT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density chipboard. The top surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conduct PVC or granite, the bottom is covered with aluminum foil or galvanized steel sheet. Four edges are sealed with black PVC edge trim." ["pid"] => string(5) "41922" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(34) "Encapsulated Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "116255" ["pro_description"] => string(203) "HT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrapped around by hot dipped galvanized steel. The top and bottom steel sheet is pressed and riveted, with high-density chipboard as the inside core." ["pid"] => string(5) "41923" ["pro_model"] => string(0) "" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } }}">Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge TrimHT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Ac...array(3) { [0] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(23) "600/610 OA Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616600" ["pro_description"] => string(273) "HT 600/610 OA Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet, which is stretched, spot-welded, and coated with epoxy powder after having been phosphoreted. There is foaming cement fully filled, with corner-lock holes punched in four sides of the panel." ["pid"] => string(5) "41925" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1500" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(28) "OA Intelligent Network Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "522410" ["pro_description"] => string(384) "HT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The borders of the panel are trimmed with corner-lock holes. Trucking can be placed at any point without cutting floor, much easier for inspecting and repairing. Strong current and weak current can be separated, suitable for all kinds of wires and plug socket terminals." ["pid"] => string(5) "41919" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } } [1] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(3) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "HPL/PVC Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616563" ["pro_description"] => string(249) "HT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41920" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(39) "Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge Trim" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616641" ["pro_description"] => string(297) "HT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41935" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "Ceramic Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616557" ["pro_description"] => string(294) "HT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with antistatic ceramic finish(Marble, Granite). The borders are trimmed with black PVC edge trim. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41921" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS800-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } } } [2] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(32) "Antistatic Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616644" ["pro_description"] => string(272) "HT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density chipboard. The top surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conduct PVC or granite, the bottom is covered with aluminum foil or galvanized steel sheet. Four edges are sealed with black PVC edge trim." ["pid"] => string(5) "41922" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(34) "Encapsulated Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "116255" ["pro_description"] => string(203) "HT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrapped around by hot dipped galvanized steel. The top and bottom steel sheet is pressed and riveted, with high-density chipboard as the inside core." ["pid"] => string(5) "41923" ["pro_model"] => string(0) "" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } }}">Ceramic Access FloorHT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-...array(3) { [0] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(23) "600/610 OA Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616600" ["pro_description"] => string(273) "HT 600/610 OA Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet, which is stretched, spot-welded, and coated with epoxy powder after having been phosphoreted. There is foaming cement fully filled, with corner-lock holes punched in four sides of the panel." ["pid"] => string(5) "41925" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1500" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(28) "OA Intelligent Network Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "522410" ["pro_description"] => string(384) "HT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The borders of the panel are trimmed with corner-lock holes. Trucking can be placed at any point without cutting floor, much easier for inspecting and repairing. Strong current and weak current can be separated, suitable for all kinds of wires and plug socket terminals." ["pid"] => string(5) "41919" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } } [1] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(3) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "HPL/PVC Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616563" ["pro_description"] => string(249) "HT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41920" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(39) "Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge Trim" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616641" ["pro_description"] => string(297) "HT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41935" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "Ceramic Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616557" ["pro_description"] => string(294) "HT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with antistatic ceramic finish(Marble, Granite). The borders are trimmed with black PVC edge trim. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41921" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS800-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } } } [2] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(32) "Antistatic Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616644" ["pro_description"] => string(272) "HT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density chipboard. The top surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conduct PVC or granite, the bottom is covered with aluminum foil or galvanized steel sheet. Four edges are sealed with black PVC edge trim." ["pid"] => string(5) "41922" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(34) "Encapsulated Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "116255" ["pro_description"] => string(203) "HT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrapped around by hot dipped galvanized steel. The top and bottom steel sheet is pressed and riveted, with high-density chipboard as the inside core." ["pid"] => string(5) "41923" ["pro_model"] => string(0) "" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } }}">Antistatic Woodcore Access FloorHT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density ...array(3) { [0] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(23) "600/610 OA Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616600" ["pro_description"] => string(273) "HT 600/610 OA Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet, which is stretched, spot-welded, and coated with epoxy powder after having been phosphoreted. There is foaming cement fully filled, with corner-lock holes punched in four sides of the panel." ["pid"] => string(5) "41925" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1500" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(28) "OA Intelligent Network Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "522410" ["pro_description"] => string(384) "HT OA Intelligent Network Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The borders of the panel are trimmed with corner-lock holes. Trucking can be placed at any point without cutting floor, much easier for inspecting and repairing. Strong current and weak current can be separated, suitable for all kinds of wires and plug socket terminals." ["pid"] => string(5) "41919" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } } [1] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(3) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "HPL/PVC Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616563" ["pro_description"] => string(249) "HT Antistatic Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41920" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(39) "Antistatic Panel with “F” Edge Trim" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616641" ["pro_description"] => string(297) "HT “F” Edge Trim Access Floor, also called Mini Edge Trim Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conductive PVC tile. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41935" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [2] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(20) "Ceramic Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616557" ["pro_description"] => string(294) "HT Ceramic Raised Access Floor is made of good quality cold-rolled steel sheet with foaming cement fully filled. The surface is stuck with antistatic ceramic finish(Marble, Granite). The borders are trimmed with black PVC edge trim. The whole system is composed of floor, pedestal and stringer." ["pid"] => string(5) "41921" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS800-FS2000" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } } } [2] => array(1) { ["data"] => array(2) { [0] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(32) "Antistatic Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(7) "1616644" ["pro_description"] => string(272) "HT Antistatic Woodcore Access Panel is made of high-density chipboard. The top surface is stuck with High Pressure Laminate (HPL) or Conduct PVC or granite, the bottom is covered with aluminum foil or galvanized steel sheet. Four edges are sealed with black PVC edge trim." ["pid"] => string(5) "41922" ["pro_model"] => string(12) "FS662-FS1250" ["is_new"] => string(1) "0" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "1" } [1] => array(7) { ["pro_name"] => string(34) "Encapsulated Woodcore Access Floor" ["main_img"] => string(6) "116255" ["pro_description"] => string(203) "HT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrapped around by hot dipped galvanized steel. The top and bottom steel sheet is pressed and riveted, with high-density chipboard as the inside core." ["pid"] => string(5) "41923" ["pro_model"] => string(0) "" ["is_new"] => string(1) "1" ["is_hot"] => string(1) "0" } } }}">Encapsulated Woodcore Access FloorHT Encapsulated Woodcore Raised Access Panel is fully wrappe... .HJZF_z__aboutus-HJ01{ background: url(/pcuploadfiles/ no-repeat center/cover; } .aboutus-HJ01-page .swiper-pagination-bullet{ background: #0639b9; } .aboutus-HJ01__changeItem .swiper-slide-thumb-active{ background-color: #0639b9; } .aboutus-HJ01__changeItem .swiper-slide-thumb-active .aboutus-HJ01__itemCont{ color: #fff; } .aboutus-HJ01-textContent_title,.aboutus-HJ01-textContent_Text{ color: #e3e3e3; } .aboutus-HJ01-mainTitle{ color: #e3e3e3; }ABOUT USOUR VALUESobserve and make appointments, accumulate and send thinlyOnly by having extensive knowledge and accumulated expertise can we choose the essentials; only by accumulating abundantly can we use them with ease. All successful people and seekers of knowledge must be diligent in accumulating and skilled in application. Not afraid of trivial matters, and persevering in accumulating information is one of the secrets of success.OUR TEAM VIEWsuccess depends on friends, growth depends on opponents, success depends on the teamthere is no perfect individual in the world, only a perfect team. for an efficient team, its members must have the spirit of mutual assistance and be able to put the goals of the team above the goals of the individual. in addition to the ability to complete work independently, the value of humans is the ability to complete work together with others. only when you integrate yourself into the collective can you achieve your personal achievement to the greatest extent.OUR MANAGEMENT CONCEPTsuccess and failure coexist, competition and transcendence coexistBusiness leaders with a sense of urgency to compete will look for problems and face them. Business leaders with a sense of urgency to compete will seize opportunities, take advantage of opportunities, and are more willing to build advantages instead of investing and supporting where they are lacking. A business leader with a sense of urgency to compete will be committed to expanding market share while maintaining profitability. All actions he takes are long-term in order to surpass opponents, but their actions start from now on.PRODUCTION / SERVICE FLOWcustomers to choose products—communication sign—production and processing—timely delivery—after-sales serviceprovide samples—issue a development plan—sign a contract—production and processing—timely delivery—after-sales serviceOUR VALUESOUR TEAM VIEWOUR MANAGEMENT CONCEPTPRODUCTION / SERVICE FLOW.hjzf2_other_55_1{ background: url(/pcuploadfiles/ no-repeat center top/cover; }.hjzf2_other_55_1_mid{ background: url(/pcuploadfiles/ no-repeat center top; } .hjzf2_other_55_1_right .index_title{ color: #0639b9; } .hjzf2_other_55_1_right .index_sub_title{ color: #333; } .hjzf2_other_55_1_right a.index_btn{ color: #; background-color: #; transition: all .4s; } .hjzf2_other_55_1_right a:hover{ background-color: #; } @media(max-width:768px) { }WERE YOU HAVE FOLLOWING PROBLEMSWHILE PURCHASING RAISED ACCESS FLOORunprofessional service, can’t offer good solution? long delivery lead time, project delays? unstable quality, grade can not be guaranteed?full automatic production line3,000sqm / day production capacityover 28 years experience in raised floor fieldget your free samples now .hjzf2_adv-10{ background: url(/pcuploadfiles/ no-repeat center/cover; } .ideaBg2{ background: linear-gradient(172deg,rgba(0,255,234,0) 0,rgba(0,255,234,0) 50%,#3c69db 50%,#3c69db 100%); } .hjzf2_adv-10_leftul li span{ background-color: #3c69db; } .hjzf2_adv-10_right .number, .hjzf2_adv-10_leftul, .adv_10_color,.hjzf2_adv-10_page{ color: #; } .ideaBtnAct{ border-color: #; } .ideaBtn,.ideaBtnAct .ideaInner{ background-color: #; }WHY CHOOSE USDEVOTION CREATES PROFESSIONALIZATION RAISED ACCESS FLOOR SUPPLIER SINCE 199330% INCREASE IN FLOOR LOADfull automatic production linewhich makes panel's performance excellent and stablebig production capacity ensures that we can undertake any projects in the world01COMPLY WITH RELEVANT AND REQUIREMENTSfactory is certified by iso9001iso14001. products pass ce、sgs、psb, etcbased on cisca、en、mob standard01SYSTEM CERTIFICATIONcustom-made productswe not only produce the productsthat can fit your projects, but also design01PRODUCT CUSTOMIZATIONfastest response against your contactsales team、document team、after-sales service team are supporting you anytime01.hjzf_other_127 { background-image: url(/pcuploadfiles/; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover; }.hjzf_other_127_wrapper .swiper-pagination span.swiper-pagination-bullet-active{background-color: #0639b9;}TYPICAL CASE .new_hjzf_news-2 .news_item:hover .news_item-title a{ color: #0639b9; } .new_hjzf_news-2 .news_item_right:hover .news_item-title2 a{ color: #0639b9; } .new_hjzf_news-2 .news_item_right:hover .news_item_right_right p span:before{ left: 30px;transition: .6s; } .new_hjzf_news-2 .active{ background: #0639b9; } .new_hjzf_news-2 .hj02_proclasslist li.active a{color: #fff} .new_hjzf_news-2 .news_item_more{ background: #0639b9; } .new_hjzf_news-2 .hj02_newclasslist li.class_name1_on{ background: #0639b9; } .new_hjzf_news-2 .hj02_pro_more:hover,.new_hjzf_news-2 #index_product_title_right1>div a{ color:#0639b9; }NEWS CENTERRead MoreCOMPANY NEWSINDUSTRY NEWS04-13 Mistakes of access floorBecause the floor market brand is numerous, the price is confusing, some consumers still take the pr...Mistakes of access floorBecause the floor market brand is numerous, the price is confusing, some consumers still take the pr...04-13 Common problems with perforated panelStainless steel of perforated panel in the process of cutting, because of its elongation, especially...03-23 Advantages of access floor in modern int...Using the overhead layer of access floor for air conditioning, its energy-saving effect can be refle...02-23 The commercial flooring supplier tells y...From the point of view of commercial flooring suppliers, this kind of floor is not only practical bu...12-29 .hjzf_bottom_11 { background-color: #333; color: #bfbfbf; } .hjzf_bottom_11 a { color: #bfbfbf; transition:all .4s; } .hjzf_bottom_11 a:hover{ color: #ffffff; } .hjzf_bottom_11_top li span:before { background-color: #0639b9; } .hjzf_bottom_11_top li:nth-child(2):after, .hjzf_bottom_11_top li:nth-child(2):before{ background: url(/pcuploadfiles/ no-repeat center; }HUATENG ACCESS FLOORProductsAbout UsNewsCertificateInstallationPRODUCTSOa raised access floorAluminum perforated panelAluminum Raised Access FloorAntistatic raised access floorCalcium Sulphate Raised Access FloorFloor finish tilesAccessoriesSteel perforated panelCONTACT USEmail: [email protected]: 86-519-88507506Mobile: +86 13813590502Fax: +86 519 88507506Add: Beihu, 312 National Road, Henglin Town, Wujin District, Changzhou, China CopyRight © 2022 - Changzhou Huateng Access Floor Co., LTDAll rights reserved Sitemap All tags .side ul li, .sidetop, .side ul li .sidebox, .side ul li .sidebox2, .side ul li .sidebox3 { background: #0639b9; }[email protected]+86-13775027302 .mfb-component__button--main { display: inline-block; position: relative; border: none; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .14), 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .28); cursor: pointer; outline: none; padding: 0; -webkit-user-drag: none; color: #f1f1f1; text-align: center; line-height: 40px; font-size: 25px; height: 40px; width: 40px; z-index: 20; background-color: #0639b9; } .mobile_down { background: #0639b9; } .mobile_down_empty { height: 50px; } .qrcode { position: relative; } .qrcode img { position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 50px; display: none;max-width: 150px; } WhatsAppSkypeE-mailContactInquiry